I hadn’t come across this before: a barebones blogging tool with built-in fediverse support—neat!
I hadn’t come across this before: a barebones blogging tool with built-in fediverse support—neat!
This CSS reset is pleasantly minimalist and a lot of thought has gone into each step. The bit about calculating line height is very intriguing!
Minimal snippets for modern CSS layouts and components.
The whole idea of progressive enhancement is using the power that the web platform gives us for free—specifically, HTML, CSS and JavaScript—to provide a baseline experience for the people who visit our sites and/or apps, and then build on that where appropriate and necessary, depending on the capabilities of the technology that they are using.
A minimal style sheet that applies some simple rules to HTML elements so you can take a regular web page and drop in this CSS to spruce it up a bit.
I like this idea for a minimum viable note-taking app:
data:text/html,<body contenteditable style="line-height:1.5;font-size:20px;">
I have added this to bookmarks and now my zero-weight text editor is one keypress away from me. You might also use it as a temporary clipboard to paste text or even pictures.
See also: a minimum viable code editor.
This is an excellent framing for minimal viable products—what would the black box theatre production be?
Forget about all the production and complexity you could build. What’s the purpose you want to convey at the core?
This broke my brain.
The challenge: in the fewest resources possible, render meaningful text.
- How small can a font really go?
- How many bytes of memory would you need (to store it and run it?)
- How much code would it take to express it?
Lets see just how far we can take this!
If you really, really have to add Google Analytics to a sites, here’s a way to do it in a more performant way, without the odious Google Tag Manager.
Browser implementations of Sol LeWitt’s conceptual and minimal art, many of which only exist as instructions like this:
Vertical lines, not straight, not touching, covering the wall evenly.
According to this, the forthcoming Clearleft redesign will be totally on fleek.
The most minimal responsive, flexible grid library you can find. In fact, here’s the whole thing:
.fukol-grid {
display: flex; /* 1 */
flex-wrap: wrap; /* 2 */
margin: -0.5em; /* 5 (edit me!) */
.fukol-grid > * {
flex: 1 0 5em; /* 3 (edit me!) */
margin: 0.5em; /* 4 (edit me!) */
5k.org is dead. Long live 5k.org. The people nehind Brighton's £5 App have announced a competition to create an application using only 5K (5120 bytes) of code and resources.
A gallery of minimally designed websites. There are some lovely grid/type-based designs on view here.