Link tags: magnet



Why the Future of Data Storage is (Still) Magnetic Tape - IEEE Spectrum

It turns out that a whole lot of The So-Called Cloud is relying on magnetic tape for its backups.

Neodymium – Popula

Magnets: How Do They Work?

Magnetism might be the most romantic of all the topics in science to be metaphorically butchered by poets.

DNA molecule plush on Think Geek

Brilliant little magnetic cuddly nucleobases from Jun. You get all four bases to combine to your heart’s content: cytosine, guanine, adenine, thymine — take that, Pokémon.

HTML5 Whiteboard Magnets / Cameron Moll / Designer, Speaker, Author

This is such a great idea: magnetic HTML elements. And now Cameron is sharing the source files so that we can all print our own.

GUIMagnets - Prototyping made sticky

Interface elements as fridge magnets. Make prototyping fun!