Link tags: cute



Marcel The Shell With Shoes On, Three - YouTube

Do you want to know what the truth is about shrimps? They’re the idiots of the sea! One time I saw a shrimp just swim right into a rock.


DNA molecule plush on Think Geek

Brilliant little magnetic cuddly nucleobases from Jun. You get all four bases to combine to your heart’s content: cytosine, guanine, adenine, thymine — take that, Pokémon.

Projecteo - The tiny instagram projector - Projecteo

We got a sneak peak of this lovely little Instagram-powered projector from the guys at Mint Digital at last week’s Skillswap. “It’s not a wheel. It’s a carousel.”

Now you can back it on Kickstarter.

Dough Globe - Your little living world

My last shipment from the Quaterly contained everything I need to get a sourdough starter going (thanks to Alexis Madrigal). I think I might have to get me one of these cute sourdough globes: “It’s like a Tamagotchi, but actually alive.”

Be sure to check out the the blog documenting the design and development.

Dance Yrself Clean - LCD Soundsystem - Muppets rock out in Brighton ! - YouTube

A trifecta of nice things:

  1. Muppets.
  2. Brighton.
  3. LCD Soundsystem.
Dance Yrself Clean - LCD Soundsystem - Muppets rock out in Brighton !

This is wonderful. A web server powered by people. Change the URL and a person will manually fetch the corresponding resource.

You can be part of the server team too.

Tiny-Ass Boba Fett « Chloe Weil

I can confirm that this crocheted mini Boba Fett is just about the cutest and simultaneously awesomest thing ever!

Cute Roulette: Cutest videos on the web

Kittens, puppies, and other baby animals on continuous rotation.

Cthulhu Is Not Cute | HiLobrow

Of plush toys and tentacle porn.

KittehRoulette - refresh for random kittehs of the internet

When memes collide: chat roulette meets cats.


Awwww... wook at the poor aniwals.

FAST GAMES - Little Wheel

A cute little game all about robots.

tweenbots | kacie kinzer

Tweenbots are human-dependent robots that navigate the city with the help of pedestrians they encounter. Rolling at a constant speed, in a straight line, Tweenbots have a destination displayed on a flag, and rely on people they meet to read this flag and to aim them in the right direction to reach their goal.


There are, apparently, entire subcategories of cuteness.

Stuffed Robot - Handmade Plush Robots

Plush robots. For the robot-lover in your life. You know; Ethan, Jina ...every other geek you know.

Bent Objects

Cute pictures of everyday objects anthropomorphised into having an adventurous life.

Vespertilium clothes-peg

Best. Clothes pegs. Ever.

YouTube - Otters holding hands

Quite possibly the cutest thing ever captured on video.

Otters holding hands

MINUSCULE site officiel, official website

A very cute short film that mixes computer animation with live action.

Redshirt Knitting - Erika’s Knitting Blog » Tree Sweater

The incredible story of the tree sweater in Seattle.