Link tags: ipod



Push Pop Press: Al Gore’s Our Choice

This looks like a beautiful way to present information, although it seems a real shame that the information is locked to just one class of device.

iOS Fonts

A handy list of installed fonts on the iPhone and iPad.

MiniApps - HTML5 apps for iPhone, iPad, Android & other mobile platforms

A nice collection of free apps for your mobile device. No app store required, thanks to offline storage.

jQuery 1.4 iPhone reference app - O! Mr Speaker!

A great portable jQuery reference. No app store required — this uses offline storage.

appvent calendar 2009 | every day a free iPhone game

A free iPhone/iPod Touch game for every day of advent.

Social Networks Aren't Good Businesses -

An interesting take on the business models of social networking sites.

The Typography Manual - For the iPhone and iPod Touch

A glossary of typography that you can carry around with you.

Tea Round - Democra-tea at work

It looks Wheel of Tea is going to face some stiff competition from this iPhone app. – the Blog · for iPhone and iPod Touch

If, like me, you were going cold turkey on Mobile Scrobbler after updating your jailbroken iPhone/iPod Touch, you can stop sweating now. The official app is really, really nice ...and it's free.

Let’s Jailbreak the iPod touch 1.1.2 with OS X « RupertGee’s iBlog

A step-by-step guide to hacking your iPod Touch even if you've already upgraded to the new firmware.

iPhone/iTouch Backgrounds, Set 1 · Journal ·

Awesome iPhone wallpaper images from the awesome Anton.

The Six-Word Memoir Contest: presented by SMITH Magazine and Twitter

Send a six word message to Twitter prefixed with "smithmag" and you could win an iPod nano. Go on, give Earnest Hemmingway a run for his money.

If I dig a very deep hole, where I go to stop?

Find the antipodes of your location. Remember, most of the world is ocean.

The Observer | OMM | 'Does music still matter? Yes ... and no!'

Nick Cave, Jarvis Cocker, and Beth Orton get together to dance about architecture.

YouTube - Liverpool Street flashmob, October 11th

This looks crazy! Everyone is dancing to the beat of a different drum... I mean, iPod.

Liverpool Street flashmob, October 11th

Mac News: iPod: Apple's 'Pod' Police Dropping Hammer on Trademark Offenders

Apple are chasing companies that use the word "podcast", even though they have no claim to that word. Asshats.

iGoatse. the new skin for your iPod

This is priceless... but my iPod feels somehow dirty now.

feeling random?

If you take a picture of anybody at South by SouthWest, be sure to tag your picture on Flickr with stylemastersxsw. You could win an iPod nano.

iPod on the Tracks - New York Times

A man risks his life for his iPod.