The State of the Web — the links

An Event Apart Spring Summit is happening right now. I opened the show yesterday with a talk called The State Of The Web:

The World Wide Web has come a long way in its three decades of existence. There’s so much we can do now with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript: animation, layout, powerful APIs… we can even make websites that work offline! And yet the web isn’t exactly looking rosy right now. The problems we face aren’t technical in nature. We’re facing a crisis of expectations: we’ve convinced people that the web is slow, buggy, and inaccessible. But it doesn’t have to be this way. There is no fate but what we make. In this perspective-setting talk, we’ll go on a journey to the past, present, and future of web design and development. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, and by the end, you’ll be ready to make the web better.

I wrote about preparing this talk and you can see the outline on Kinopio. I thought it turned out well, but I never actually know until people see it. So I’m very gratified and relieved that it went down very well indeed. Phew!

Eric and the gang at An Event Apart asked for a round-up of links related to this talk and I was more than happy to oblige. I’ve separated them into some of the same categories that the talk covers.

I know that these look like a completely disconnected grab-bag of concepts—you’d have to see the talk to get the connections. But even without context, these are some rabbit holes you can dive down…

Apollo 8


The World Wide Web


This (somewhat epic) slidedeck is done.

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# Liked by dirk döring on Tuesday, April 20th, 2021 at 11:47am

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“Evaluating Technology” by Jeremy Keith – An Event Apart video on Vimeo

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In this 60-minute presentation recorded live at An Event Apart Denver 2017, Jeremy Keith helps you learn to evaluate tools and technologies in a way that best benefits the people who use the websites you design and develop.

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The Way of the Web | Jeremy Keith | Hooked On Code

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Previously on this day

5 years ago I wrote Overlay gap

A problem shared is a problem halved. And the web has a big problem with awful overlays.

7 years ago I wrote Timing

Thanks, Apple. Thapple.

10 years ago I wrote 100 words 029

Day twenty nine.

18 years ago I wrote Hyperdrive

Last night in San Francisco.

21 years ago I wrote Into the west

I’ve been pretty busy lately and not just with web-related stuff.

22 years ago I wrote WAP

I’ve cobbled together a little WAP version of this journal.

23 years ago I wrote Respec' to the Queen Mum

I’ve avoided any mention of the Queen Mother here, mostly because it doesn’t interest me in the slightest.

23 years ago I wrote Can a Windows guy learn to love the Mac? You bet!

Remember I wrote about the ZDNet journalist who was going to switch over to using a Mac for a month?

23 years ago I wrote Kaliber10000 { The Good Vibe Provider }

Good news: K10K is back.