Programming CSS

There’s a worrying tendency for “real” programmers look down their noses at CSS. It’s just a declarative language, they point out, not a fully-featured programming language. Heck, it isn’t even a scripting language.

That may be true, but that doesn’t mean that CSS isn’t powerful. It’s just powerful in different ways to traditional languages.

Take CSS selectors, for example. At the most basic level, they work like conditional statments. Here’s a standard if statement:

if (condition) {
// code here

The condition needs to evaluate to true in order for the code in the curly braces to be executed. Sound familiar?

condition {
// styles here

That’s a very simple mapping, but what if the conditional statement is more complicated?

if (condition1 && condition2) {
// code here

Well, that’s what the decendant selector does:

condition1 condition2 {
// styles here

In fact, we can get even more specific than that by using the child combinator, the sibling combinator, and the adjacent sibling combinator:

  • condition1 > condition2
  • condition1 ~ condition2
  • condition2 + condition2

AND is just one part of Boolean logic. There’s also OR:

if (condition1 || condition2) {
// code here

In CSS, we use commas:

condition1, condition2 {
// styles here

We’ve even got the :not() pseudo-class to complete the set of Boolean possibilities. Once you add quantity queries into the mix, made possible by :nth-child and its ilk, CSS starts to look Turing complete. I’ve seen people build state machines using the adjacent sibling combinator and the :checked pseudo-class.

Anyway, my point here is that CSS selectors are really powerful. And yet, quite often we deliberately choose not to use that power. The entire raison d’être for OOCSS, BEM, and Smacss is to deliberately limit the power of selectors, restricting them to class selectors only.

On the face of it, this might seem like an odd choice. After all, we wouldn’t deliberately limit ourselves to a subset of a programming language, would we?

We would and we do. That’s what templating languages are for. Whether it’s PHP’s Smarty or Twig, or JavaScript’s Mustache, Nunjucks, or Handlebars, they all work by providing a deliberately small subset of features. Some pride themselves on being logic-less. If you find yourself trying to do something that the templating language doesn’t provide, that’s a good sign that you shouldn’t be trying to do it in the template at all; it should be in the controller.

So templating languages exist to enforce simplicity and ensure that the complexity happens somewhere else. It’s a similar story with BEM et al. If you find you can’t select something in the CSS, that’s a sign that you probably need to add another class name to the HTML. The complexity is confined to the markup in order to keep the CSS more straightforward, modular, and maintainable.

But let’s not forget that that’s a choice. It’s not that CSS in inherently incapable of executing complex conditions. Quite the opposite. It’s precisely because CSS selectors (and the cascade) are so powerful that we choose to put guard rails in place.

Have you published a response to this? :


Samuel Snopko

@adactio explaining CSS PROGRAMMING to all the devs, who thinks that CSS is not powerful or even not programming language at all… “…doesn’t mean that CSS isn’t powerful. It’s just powerful in different ways to traditional languages.”

Eli Mellen

But let’s not forget that that’s a choice. It’s not that CSS in inherently incapable of executing complex conditions. Quite the opposite. It’s precisely because CSS selectors (and the cascade) are so powerful that we choose to put guard rails in place.

# Posted by Eli Mellen on Tuesday, December 4th, 2018 at 9:48pm

Dylan Smith

“It’s not that CSS in inherently incapable of executing complex conditions. Quite the opposite. It’s precisely because CSS selectors (and the cascade) are so powerful that we choose to put guard rails in place.”

# Posted by Dylan Smith on Wednesday, December 5th, 2018 at 11:12am

Tom Tinkerson

„… that doesn’t mean that CSS isn’t powerful. It’s just powerful in different ways to traditional languages. (…) t’s precisely because CSS selectors (and the cascade) are so powerful that we choose to put guard rails in place.”

Val Head

“It’s not that CSS in inherently incapable of executing complex conditions… It’s precisely because CSS selectors (and the cascade) are so powerful that we choose to put guard rails in place.” - @adactio

# Posted by Val Head on Wednesday, December 5th, 2018 at 8:22pm

Craig Buckler

Programming #CSS by “CSS selectors are really powerful. And yet, quite often we deliberately choose not to use that power.” Too right. If you don’t like CSS, that’s fine. But at least make an effort to learn it before casting judgement.

Tommy Hodgins

@adactio great blog post though I can’t help but feel that limiting CSS selectors to classes to make it easier is like limiting a guitar to one string to make it easier to play. It is easier, but harder to make meaningful music with. Will chew on this more

HJ Chen

“It’s not that CSS in inherently incapable of executing complex conditions. Quite the opposite. It’s precisely because CSS selectors (and the cascade) are so powerful that we choose to put guard rails in place.”—

# Posted by HJ Chen on Friday, December 7th, 2018 at 4:38pm

The whale

Programming CSS - There’s a worrying tendency for “real” programmers look down their noses at CSS. It’s just a declarative language, they point out, not a fully-featured programming language. Heck, it isn’t… #Learn #CSS by @adactio

# Posted by The whale on Friday, December 28th, 2018 at 5:17pm

Turing complete(ish).

# Thursday, May 16th, 2019 at 11:42pm


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