I do hope they remember that the ISS. is in a LEO. and doesn't receive one tenth of the Sun's nasties that even a satellite in a geostationary orbit receives. As for being on a trip to Mars, during maybe a little Sun-spot activity, Mm?
165 publicly visible posts • joined 19 Feb 2008
"the people who write EU legislation are not elected." That is true!
But the people who ask for those laws to be written are elected representatives from the states. Then when the law has been written up, by the commissioners. It has to be approved by the elected representatives before it actually becomes an EU. law.
"so everyone is stuck with him (or Pence) until 2021-01-20."
Sorry, but anyone who believes the Trumps will be leaving the White House in 20-01-20 is mistaken. As the founding member of the Trump Presidential Dynasty, President D. Trump and his family has no intention of leaving the White House in the foreseeable future. Impeachment or no impeachment!
If they would like to make that, one million and one people testing their new OS. All they have to do is send me a P10. with it installed. As I am perfectly prepared to test it in daily use for a few years, for them.
However many back doors it might have, it can't possibly be worse than Android, filled with Google's spy wear.
I use LibreOffic, on Linux 4.15, most days, as a author, well I think I'm an author. Never have any serious problems even with alternate headers, footers, page brakes, page numbers, chapter indexing, and all the other formatting that is required by the printers. And believe me, E. books are even worse. Although I must admit one thing, its spell checker in English English, does have some strange ideas sometimes.
Britain will soon be safely out of Europe, and away from all it's bad influences. The sooner it learns to behave its self, and knuckle down to doing as its told, by the best, and greatest country in the world. A country that has now been blessed by god, to have the greatest President that has ever lived. Then the better it will be for all the little Brits, maybe?
Sorry to disappoint you, but getting Trump into the White House was one thing, and getting him out is another.
He sees himself as the founding member of the Trump Presidential Dynasty, and has no intention of leaving at all, never mind any time soon!
One might say, the Americans have been hooked, line and sinker.
"Windows users like your mum and dad don't know anything else and/or generally wont/don't care."
Hay! I'm a Linux user, I do admit it's not Ubuntu. And I'm well the wrong side of 70, a Dad, and a Granddad, and this year will become a Great Granddad as well! So there you youngsters!
Well, In my service department a simple entry at the bottom of the ticket of "NFF" which if the client asked stood for "No Fault Found" But if the item was then returned to us, the next engineer knew that previously it had "No Fucking Fault". Therefore a long soak test was required, maybe a week, before returning it to the client.
(A qubit is either a 0 or a 1. However, you don't know which it is until a cat looks at it. My years of reading El Reg have given me some insight into advanced physics.)
You are quite right Sir, I also have studied at the University EL Reg, so an upvote for you.
However you do undoubtedly need to remember:-
The cat must always look sideways at the qubit, otherwise it will not see what it is, and what's more what it is, won't be what it was, and what it was, wont be what it will be.
An up vote for you Sir/Madam, very nice to read something about climate change, that is actually sensible! We all know that the Earths Climate has always been changing, for one reason or another.
I have no doubt it will continue to do so whatever we do. It's not to be denied that cleaning up our act is a very good idea.
An up vote for you Sir, as you are right.
Sadly though, they could well win with this sort of strategy.
Just think what the Daily Mail can make of this, "save the children," is right up their street.
You must know, everyone believes, every thing, that is printed in the Daily Mail.
Well, until recently I always thought English beer to be the best in the world, "Horndeen Special Brew" was always one of my favorites. I have tried more than a few others in several different countries over the last 30 years.
Now though, having arrived, and settled in Belgium by a rather roundabout route, I can now assure you all, that for pure choice, flavor, alcohol content, and sheer enjoyment, Belgium beers are the best in the world.
One might also note, the delightful glass that it is always, carefully served in, whatever the establishment that you may be in?
"How does that work then?"
A very good question indeed, I do so hope everyone can speak French fluently.
Otherwise every word written or spoken, from "Good morning" onwards will just have to be translated by an official translator, into all six languages.
Six months will soon pass.