Transpacific Literary Project’s monthly column collects essays, translations, and hybrid works that grapple with language, culture, and translation from Asia.

What counts as a mother language?

그때 그 상황에 헌병들이 하는 말이 모두 쏼라쏼라 들렸다. | The English words of the police fell senselessly to the ground.

Juyon Lee’s work plays with light and distance.

As my math grades plummeted, my interest in trombone records skyrocketed

Kids Bolo brings Urdu to families living in the West.

In search of a shared language

لكن المنـفى ينبت مرة أخرى كالحشائـش البرية تحت ظلال الزيتـون | Exile sprouts anew, like untamed grass beneath the shade of olive trees

A young woman struggles to stay in a loving relationship while being haunted by a past abuser.

Translating Anuradha Sarma Pujari’s My Poems Are Not for Your Ad Campaign

A Filipino and a Chinese girl, both comfort women, find friendship in a piece of critical fabulation

How learning a third language became a place of reconciliation for my mother tongues.

Imagining the future through words and through kin

etc.books founder Akiko Matsuo on building a space for feminism and solidarity in Tokyo

A Truku writer on his relationship with his tribe’s traditional craft

A familial haunting returns a Palestinian writer to Arabic.

On translators’ labor and invisibility

Mit Jai Inn’s sculptural paintings thrive in abstractions and calculated ambiguity

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