LorenzBuehmann / ontop
Forked from ontop/ontopOntop is a platform to query relational databases as Virtual RDF Knowledge Graphs using SPARQL
Semantic Web library and tool for retrieval and deployment of data from/to GIT, CKAN, MAVEN repos and triple stores using DCAT as the backbone.
Command line interface based RDF processing toolkit to run sequences of SPARQL statements ad-hoc on RDF datasets, streams of bindings and streams of named graphs with support for processing JSON, C…
Plot and visualize WKT shapes on OpenStreetMap
Split the accelerometer and GPS parquet data based on the answering label
QROWD / gtfs-csv2rdf
Forked from OpenTransport/gtfs-csv2rdfMapping script which transforms GTFS CSV into GTFS RDF (turtle, jsonld or ntriples)
RDF Data Integration Activities of Public Datasets within the QROWD Project
QROWD / pybossa
Forked from Scifabric/pybossaPYBOSSA is the ultimate crowdsourcing framework (aka microtasking) to analyze or enrich data that can't be processed by machines alone.
PyBossa default theme for the Server
SPARQL-based tool for the integration of heterogeneous data (JSON, CSV, XML)
Compositional Model to find gene disease associations
A Protégé plugin for the DL-Learner framework
Semantic Web related concepts converted to Natural language
Links to SDA Github organisations - visit those if you want to see all our projects
A Benchmark for Machine Learning from Structured Data