LIBSVM -- A Library for Support Vector Machines
A tool for supervised Machine Learning in OWL and Description Logics
Sparql -> SQL Rewriter enabling virtual RDB -> RDF mappings
Command line interface based RDF processing toolkit to run sequences of SPARQL statements ad-hoc on RDF datasets, streams of bindings and streams of named graphs with support for processing JSON, C…
Semantic Web library and tool for retrieval and deployment of data from/to GIT, CKAN, MAVEN repos and triple stores using DCAT as the backbone.
A Protégé plugin for the DL-Learner framework
Converter for the Sparqlification Mapping Language to R2RML and back
LorenzBuehmann / ontop
Forked from ontop/ontopOntop is a platform to query relational databases as Virtual RDF Knowledge Graphs using SPARQL