{ "ohloh": { "main_language": "C++", "max_month": "2015-02-01T00:00:00Z", "description": "Simple platform for distributed communication and computation.", "tags": [], "total_code_lines": 45688, "total_contributor_count": 4, "twelve_month_contributor_count": 3, "updated_at": "2015-05-04T17:10:03Z", "analysis": "19839516", "min_month": "2012-07-01T00:00:00Z", "factoids": [ "Young, but established codebase", "Small development team", "Average number of code comments", "Stable Y-O-Y development activity" ], "twelve_month_commit_count": 330, "total_commit_count": 767, "id": "669862", "name": "firestr" }, "description": "[Firestr](http://github.com/mempko/firestr) is a simple decentralized communication and computation platform. Apps are written in Lua and are pushed to peers where they automatically run and connect. All communication is P2P and encrypted.", "name": "Firestr" }