Sponsoring WAI

About sponsoring WAI

The W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) develops strategies, standards, and supporting resources to make the Web accessible to people with disabilities.

W3C greatly appreciates the support WAI receives from stakeholders committed to making the Web accessible. Contributions such as grants, sponsorship, and support for fellows enable WAI to bring together a unique collaboration of industry, government, research, and people with disabilities in a cooperative effort to improve the accessibility of the Web for disabled people.

If you are interested sponsoring WAI by becoming an Accessibility Champion, please explore the W3C Sponsorships Program benefits and contact [email protected].

For information about providing grants and other opportunities to support WAI, please contact [email protected].

Current sponsors and funders


Past grants and contracts

Past Platinum sponsors

Past Gold sponsors

Past Silver sponsors

Past contributors

Past Fellows

W3C WAI thanks organizations that have supported W3C Fellows in WAI:


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