Shape the Future: Research and Development Questions in Digital Accessibility
Online Research Symposium, 10 November 2021

An EU Project


The Web Accessibility Initiative - Communities of Practice (WAI-CooP) Project and the W3C Accessible Platform Architectures (APA) Working Group invite researchers, practitioners, and users with disabilities to participate in an international online symposium exploring research challenges and opportunities in digital accessibility.

Accepted contributions will be available on the symposium page and will be open to discussion before the symposium through the WAI-CooP open forum. Authors of accepted contributions will be invited to participate as panelists in the symposium. Anyone may attend the symposium.


This online symposium brings together researchers, academics, industry, government, and people with disabilities, to explore the current state-of-the-art in accessibility research, development, and practice to uncover pressing topics for future research and development.

Another goal of this symposium is to explore potential gaps between the topics discussed by researchers and practitioners. By increasing awareness to the challenges faced by all communities, collaborations could emerge and improve the current state of accessibility research and practice.

We invite position papers discussing these topics using real-life settings and raising current issues and needs for discussion. After the symposium, the WAI-CooP project will publish a report, consolidating the discussions and findings.


We welcome submissions that address, but are not limited to, the following topics:

Important Dates

Symposium Transcript

The transcript of the symposium is now available.


The following times are in CET (UTC+1). Check your time zone.

Logistics and Accessibility

This meeting will take place on the Zoom teleconference system with real-time captioning, and International Sign Language. Connection details will be sent by email to registered participants.


Registration is now closed.

Paper Submissions

We invite the submission of position papers of no more than 1500 words. We encourage concise contributions clearly explaining the:

Position papers must be submitted in the template provided, be valid HTML, and meet WCAG 2.1 Level AA.

Submit papers through the symposium submission management system by 6 October 2021.

Review Process

Contributions will be reviewed by the Review Committee. Each paper will get at least two independent reviews for criteria including clarity, soundness, and relevance to the symposium. Papers will be accepted based on these criteria and space availability.

Organizing Committee

Symposium Chairs

Scientific Committee

Review Committee


An EU Project

This research symposium is organized by the WAI-CooP Project, an European Commission co-funded project, and the W3C Accessible Platform Architectures (APA) Working Group. The conference management system is donated by OpenConf.

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