Self-Curated Vidshow Challenge

Conversations - vids and vidshow by astolat

About this vidshow: I looked over my vids and discovered that I have consistently used a lot of songs that I think of as conversations: where the voice of the song feels like a clearly defined character who is addressing another clearly defined character (the "you" of the song) and speaking to them, sometimes hearing back, sometimes just sending a message out, and I thought it was interesting to pull them all together, even if it's not quite the full length of a show.

Watch the full vidshow:

OrderVid TitleVidder(s)FandomArtistRuntimeWhy I chose itlink to vid
1WatershedastolatMerlinVienna Teng03:53Morgana speaking to Arthur and Merlin and Uther and Gaius, all these men who are often opposed to each other but united in trying to keep her contained and chained and suppressed, in fearing her power, is also I think me speaking to the show: I wanted to see her on the cusp of becoming what the show refused to allow her to be, but what it couldn't stop me making her inside my own head. vid on YouTube
2GoaskinvielljaastolatThorMari Boine02:25Loki speaking to Thor, asking to be unbound and set free. There's a fantasy series I like called the Fionavar Tapestry where the creator god, the Weaver at the Loom, deliberately set the Wild Hunt free as a loose thread, and the Wild Hunt is cruel and destroys both good and evil equally, without restraint, but its very existence is what makes free will possible for all other creatures, what allows for the tapestry to be woven by the threads; that concept of chaos being necessary resonates with me, and my own internal version of Thor is that same kind of high fantasy; I want Loki and Thor to be gods, metaphors, something truly outside ordinary experience. vid on YouTube
3Uninvitedastolat, remastered by mkomechSilence of the LambsAlanis Morissette03:36Clarice speaking to Hannibal, the vampire she has to invite inside in order to capture it. My Clarice is forever Clarice at the end of Silence, her feet planted in her own earth and knowing herself and her own strength, and an equal to Hannibal, whose real power for her is his monstrous honesty, I think; so many people wanting to devour her, at least he's purely literal about it!vid on YouTube
4Bohemian Like MeastolatStargate AtlantisThe Dandy Warhols03:05I just feel like this is 1000% Rodney's unfiltered brain-to-mouth earnest obnoxious courting, and also making it about Rodney transforms the obnoxious courting of the song for me because he pulls it up out of the obnoxiousness through inhabiting it with the courage and growth he's given in the show. vid on YouTube
5Jig of Lifeastolat, remastered by Aurum CalendulaWitchbladeKate Bush03:16The Witchblade speaking to Sara. vid on YouTube
6kid fearsastolatStar Warsindigo girls04:05I'm not completely sure, but I think this is the Force itself speaking to Padme, or possibly Luke and Leia speaking to their mother in some kind of impossible communion from the future, sharing a vision with her. Oh, I miss the original trilogy. vid on YouTube
7Big Spenderastolat & SperanzaPerson of InterestShirley Bassey02:42I often label this one AU but actually I think it's ur-canonical, lol. vid on YouTube
8You Are A Runner & I Am My Father's SonastolatHarry PotterWolf Parade02:11And finally, this last one, Draco sending Harry messages on wings. vid on YouTube

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