About the Self-Curated Vidshow Challenge
The challenge went live on Saturday, February 9th, 2019. All vidshows were put together by the vidders themselves. All playlist data, content notes, and links were provided by the vidders. Playlist content may vary by vidder: some wrote blurbs for each vid, some didn't; some wrote descriptions for each vidshow, and some didn't, and so on. All variations are good! <3 vidshows.
How to watch the vidshows
Viewing methods vary by vidshow! Some vidders made complete vidshow video files and uploaded them places like Vimeo and Dropbox; some vidders made playlists on YouTube; some made zip files of all the vids for each vidshow; some linked vids individually.
If you're unsure how to view individual vid files as a show, I recommend using the playlist feature in VLC. Download all of the vid files for the show. Then in VLC, go to View > Playlist to open the playlist view, drag in the vid files, check to make sure they're in order, hit play, and you're good to go!
Content notes on vidshows
Content notes for vidshows can be viewed in a separate table beneath each vidshow playlist. Content notes were provided by vidders on an optional basis, and not all vidshows were sent in with content notes - in those cases, "no content notes were provided" is beneath the playlist. Standard content note categories are:
Chose not to give notes
No standard notes apply
Physical triggers (such as strobing or flickering light, bright lights, very rapid cuts, and continuous shaky cam/camera sway)
Audio triggers (such as sudden or sustained loud noise, very sharp/high pitched sounds, and sound effects such as gunshots)
Graphic violence
Sexual violence
Self harm
Additional notes may be provided under "Other."
Errors, broken links and other issues
If you run into any broken links on vidshow playlists or other major formatting errors, please email [email protected] and let me know! Browser compatibility is not universally guaranteed, but was checked against Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari, and Chrome mobile.
(Please note that this is for formatting errors only - vidshow links won't be checked and updated in perpetuity, so if you're visiting this page significantly after February 9th, 2019, I recommend checking with the vidder if at all possible to track down vids.)