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Related to special: Special Olympics
1. Surpassing what is common or usual; exceptional: a special occasion; a special treat.
a. Distinct among others of a kind: a special type of paint; a special medication for arthritis.
b. Primary: His special satisfaction comes from volunteer work.
3. Peculiar to a specific person or thing; particular: my own special chair; the special features of a computer.
a. Having a limited or specific function, application, or scope: a special role in the mission.
b. Arranged for a particular occasion or purpose: a special visit from her daughter.
5. Regarded with particular affection and admiration: a special friend.
6. Additional; extra: a special holiday flight.
1. Something arranged, issued, or appropriated to a particular service or occasion: rode to work on the commuter special.
2. A featured attraction, such as a reduced price: a special on salmon.
3. A single television production that features a specific work, a given topic, or a particular performer.
[Middle English, from Old French especial, from Latin speciālis, from speciēs, kind; see species.]
spe′cial·ly adv.
spe′cial·ness n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
1. distinguished, set apart from, or excelling others of its kind
2. (prenominal) designed or reserved for a particular purpose: a special tool for working leather.
3. not usual or commonplace
4. (prenominal) particular or primary: his special interest was music.
5. (Education) denoting or relating to the education of children with special needs: a special school.
6. a special person or thing, such as an extra edition of a newspaper or a train reserved for a particular purpose
7. (Cookery) a dish or meal given prominence, esp at a low price, in a café, etc
8. (Historical Terms) history slang Austral a convict given special treatment on account of his education, social class, etc
9. (Law) short for special constable
10. (Commerce) informal Austral and NZ and US and Canadian an item in a store that is advertised at a reduced price; a loss leader
vb (tr) , -cials, -cialling or -cialled
(Commerce) informal NZ to advertise and sell (an item) at a reduced price: we are specialling butter this week.
[C13: from Old French especial, from Latin speciÄlis individual, special, from speciÄs appearance, species]
Ëspecially adv
Ëspecialness n
Usage: See at especial
Collins English Dictionary â Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
(ˈspɛʃ əl)adj.
1. of a distinct or particular kind or character: a special key.
2. pertaining or peculiar to a particular person, thing, instance, etc.; distinctive: the special features of a plan.
3. having a specific or particular function, purpose, etc.: a special messenger.
4. distinguished from what is ordinary or usual: a special occasion.
5. extraordinary; exceptional: special importance.
6. particularly valued: a special friend.
n. 7. a special person or thing.
8. a train used for a particular purpose.
9. a stage spotlight used for a particular area, actor, etc.
10. a temporary reduction in the price of regularly stocked goods, esp. food.
11. a single television program not forming part of a regular series.
[1175–1225; Middle English (adj.) < Latin speciālis of a given species =speci(ēs) species + -ālis -al1; compare especial]
spe′cial•ly, adv.
usage: In American English the adjective special is overwhelmingly more common than especial in all senses: He will be of special help if you can't understand the charts. The reverse is true of the adverbs; here especially is by far the more common: He will be of great help, especially if you can't understand the charts. specially is more idiomatic only when the intended sense is “specifically”: The machine was specially designed for a left-handed operator.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
- artificial language - An invented language, as opposed to a hereditary one, intended for a special use, as in international communication, a secret society, or computer programming.
- auspicious, propitious - Auspicious implies success in the future, while propitious means favorable conditions are present; auspicious means promising or of good omenânot just special or memorable.
- niche product - A product that is made and marketed for use in a small and specialized but profitable market.
- ballotin - A special decorative box for chocolates.
Farlex Trivia Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.
Past participle: specialled
Gerund: specialling
Imperative |
special |
special |
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
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Noun | 1. | ![]() |
2. | special - a dish or meal given prominence in e.g. a restaurant dish - a particular item of prepared food; "she prepared a special dish for dinner" | |
3. | special - a television production that features a particular person or work or topic; "the last of a series of BBC specials on Iran is being shown tonight" | |
Adj. | 1. | special - unique or specific to a person or thing or category; "the particular demands of the job"; "has a particular preference for Chinese art"; "a peculiar bond of sympathy between them"; "an expression peculiar to Canadians"; "rights peculiar to the rich"; "the special features of a computer"; "my own special chair" specific - (sometimes followed by `to') applying to or characterized by or distinguishing something particular or special or unique; "rules with specific application"; "demands specific to the job"; "a specific and detailed account of the accident" |
2. | special - for a special service or occasion; "a special correspondent"; "a special adviser to the committee"; "had to get special permission for the event" extraordinary - beyond what is ordinary or usual; highly unusual or exceptional or remarkable; "extraordinary authority"; "an extraordinary achievement"; "her extraordinary beauty"; "enjoyed extraordinary popularity"; "an extraordinary capacity for work"; "an extraordinary session of the legislature" | |
3. | special - surpassing what is common or usual or expected; "he paid especial attention to her"; "exceptional kindness"; "a matter of particular and unusual importance"; "a special occasion"; "a special reason to confide in her"; "what's so special about the year 2000?" uncommon - not common or ordinarily encountered; unusually great in amount or remarkable in character or kind; "uncommon birds"; "frost and floods are uncommon during these months"; "doing an uncommon amount of business"; "an uncommon liking for money"; "he owed his greatest debt to his mother's uncommon character and ability" | |
4. | special - adapted to or reserved for a particular purpose; "a special kind of paint"; "a special medication for arthritis" specialised, specialized - developed or designed for a special activity or function; "a specialized tool" | |
5. | special - having a specific function or scope; "a special (or specific) role in the mission" specific - (sometimes followed by `to') applying to or characterized by or distinguishing something particular or special or unique; "rules with specific application"; "demands specific to the job"; "a specific and detailed account of the accident" | |
6. | special - first and most important; "his special interest is music"; "she gets special (or particular) satisfaction from her volunteer work" primary - of first rank or importance or value; direct and immediate rather than secondary; "primary goals"; "a primary effect"; "primary sources"; "a primary interest" | |
7. | ![]() unscheduled - not scheduled or not on a regular schedule; "an unscheduled meeting"; "the plane made an unscheduled stop at Gander for refueling" |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
1. exceptional, important, significant, particular, unique, unusual, extraordinary, distinguished, memorable, gala, festive, uncommon, momentous, out of the ordinary, one in a million, red-letter, especial I usually reserve these outfits for special occasions.
exceptional common, ordinary, normal, usual, routine, everyday, mediocre, run-of-the-mill, humdrum, undistinguished, unexceptional, no great shakes (informal)
exceptional common, ordinary, normal, usual, routine, everyday, mediocre, run-of-the-mill, humdrum, undistinguished, unexceptional, no great shakes (informal)
3. specific, particular, distinctive, certain, individual, appropriate, characteristic, precise, signature, peculiar, specialized, especial It requires a very special brand of courage to fight dictators.
specific general, unspecialized, undistinctive, multi-purpose
specific general, unspecialized, undistinctive, multi-purpose
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language â Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
adjective1. Fixed and distinct from others:
2. Of, relating to, or intended for a distinctive thing or group:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
إسÙتÙØ«ÙÙائÙØ ØºÙÙÙر عادÙØ®Ø§ØµØ Ø®ÙصÙصÙØ®ÙاصÙØ´ÙÙء٠خاص
zvláštnÃzvláštnà vlakspeciálnÃvýjimeÄný
e-î sem er sérstaktsérstakursérstakur, sér-
firminis produktaskas nors specialausspecialistasspecializacijaspecializuotas
Ä«paÅ¡skaut kas speciÄlsseviÅ¡Ä·sspeciÄls
zvláštny vlak
özelözel bir Åey
Äặc biá»t
[ˈspeʃəl]A. ADJ
1. (= important, exceptional) [occasion, day, pemission, price, attention, diet] → especial
my special chair → mi silla preferida
what's so special about that? → y eso ¿qué tiene de especial?
is there anyone special in your life? → ¿hay alguien especial en tu vida?
special arrangements will be made for disabled people → se tomarán medidas especiales para las personas discapacitadas
to take special care of sth → cuidar especialmente de algo
in special cases → en casos especiales or extraordinarios
to make a special effort to do sth → esforzarse especialmente or hacer un esfuerzo extra para hacer algo
you're extra special → tú eres lo mejor de lo mejor
to make sb feel special → hacer que algn se sienta especial
my special friend → mi amigo del alma
his special interest was always music → siempre tuvo especial interés por la música
there's nothing special about being a journalist → ser periodista no tiene nada de especial
it's nothing special → no es nada especial, no es nada del otro mundo
special powers (Pol) → poderes mpl extraordinarios
I've cooked something special for dinner → he preparado algo especial para cenar
she's very special to us → la apreciamos mucho
special to that country → exclusivo de ese paÃs
as a special treat → como algo especial
to expect special treatment → esperar un trato especial
my special chair → mi silla preferida
what's so special about that? → y eso ¿qué tiene de especial?
is there anyone special in your life? → ¿hay alguien especial en tu vida?
special arrangements will be made for disabled people → se tomarán medidas especiales para las personas discapacitadas
to take special care of sth → cuidar especialmente de algo
in special cases → en casos especiales or extraordinarios
to make a special effort to do sth → esforzarse especialmente or hacer un esfuerzo extra para hacer algo
you're extra special → tú eres lo mejor de lo mejor
to make sb feel special → hacer que algn se sienta especial
my special friend → mi amigo del alma
his special interest was always music → siempre tuvo especial interés por la música
there's nothing special about being a journalist → ser periodista no tiene nada de especial
it's nothing special → no es nada especial, no es nada del otro mundo
special powers (Pol) → poderes mpl extraordinarios
I've cooked something special for dinner → he preparado algo especial para cenar
she's very special to us → la apreciamos mucho
special to that country → exclusivo de ese paÃs
as a special treat → como algo especial
to expect special treatment → esperar un trato especial
2. (= specific) → especial
a special tool for working leather → una herramienta especial para trabajar el cuero
have you any special date in mind? → ¿tienes en mente alguna fecha concreta or en particular or en especial?
is there anything special you would like? → ¿hay algo que quieras en especial?
I had no special reason for suspecting him → no tenÃa ningún motivo en especial para sospechar de él
"why do you say that?" - "oh, no special reason" → -¿por qué dices eso? -por nada en especial
I've no-one special in mind → no tengo en mente a nadie en concreto or en especial
"what are you doing this weekend?" - "nothing special" → -¿qué haces este fin de semana? -nada (en) especial or nada en particular
Britain has its own special problems → Gran Bretaña tiene sus propios problemas particulares
a special tool for working leather → una herramienta especial para trabajar el cuero
have you any special date in mind? → ¿tienes en mente alguna fecha concreta or en particular or en especial?
is there anything special you would like? → ¿hay algo que quieras en especial?
I had no special reason for suspecting him → no tenÃa ningún motivo en especial para sospechar de él
"why do you say that?" - "oh, no special reason" → -¿por qué dices eso? -por nada en especial
I've no-one special in mind → no tengo en mente a nadie en concreto or en especial
"what are you doing this weekend?" - "nothing special" → -¿qué haces este fin de semana? -nada (en) especial or nada en particular
Britain has its own special problems → Gran Bretaña tiene sus propios problemas particulares
B. N
1. (= train) → tren m especial (TV, Rad) → programa m especial; (= newspaper) → número m extraordinario
the chef's special; today's special → la especialidad del dÃa
the chef's special; today's special → la especialidad del dÃa
3. (Brit) (= special constable) ciudadano que en determinadas ocasiones realiza funciones de policÃa
C. CPD special adviser N → consejero/a m/f de asuntos extraordinarios
special agent N → agente mf especial
Special Air Service N (Brit) regimiento del ejército británico que se especializa en operaciones clandestinas
Special Branch N (Brit) → Servicio m de Seguridad del Estado
special constable N (Brit) ciudadano que en ciertas ocasiones realiza funciones de policÃa
special correspondent N → corresponsal mf especial
special delivery N → correo m exprés
special edition N → edición f especial
special effects NPL → efectos mpl especiales
special interest group N → grupo m de presión que persigue un tema especÃfico
special investigator N → investigador(a) m/f especial
special jury N → jurado m especial
special licence N (Brit) (Jur) permiso especial para contraer matrimonio sin cumplir los requisitos legales normalmente necesarios
special needs NPL children with special needs; special needs children → niños que requieren una atención diferenciada
special offer N (Comm) → oferta f especial, oferta f de ocasión
special school N → colegio m de educación especial
special agent N → agente mf especial
Special Air Service N (Brit) regimiento del ejército británico que se especializa en operaciones clandestinas
Special Branch N (Brit) → Servicio m de Seguridad del Estado
special constable N (Brit) ciudadano que en ciertas ocasiones realiza funciones de policÃa
special correspondent N → corresponsal mf especial
special delivery N → correo m exprés
special edition N → edición f especial
special effects NPL → efectos mpl especiales
special interest group N → grupo m de presión que persigue un tema especÃfico
special investigator N → investigador(a) m/f especial
special jury N → jurado m especial
special licence N (Brit) (Jur) permiso especial para contraer matrimonio sin cumplir los requisitos legales normalmente necesarios
special needs NPL children with special needs; special needs children → niños que requieren una atención diferenciada
special offer N (Comm) → oferta f especial, oferta f de ocasión
special school N → colegio m de educación especial
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
[ˈspɛʃəl] adj
(= important) [person, guest] → spécial(e); [friend] → qui compte beaucoup
special occasions → les grandes occasions
china that was reserved for special occasions → un service réservé aux grandes occasions
special occasions → les grandes occasions
china that was reserved for special occasions → un service réservé aux grandes occasions
(= different from normal) [case, announcement, circumstances, privileges, treatment] → spécial(e)
What is so special about the year 2000? → Qu'est-ce qu'il y a de si spécial à propos de l'an 2000?
nothing special → rien de spécial
What is so special about the year 2000? → Qu'est-ce qu'il y a de si spécial à propos de l'an 2000?
nothing special → rien de spécial
(= official) [adviser, commission, powers] → spécial(e)
(= for particular purpose) [equipment, training, clothing] → spécial(e)
(= unique) [way, quality, problem] → particulier/ière
(= particular) [attention, care, effort, reason] → particulier/ière
Take special care
BUT Soyez particulièrement prudents.
Take special care
BUT Soyez particulièrement prudents.
(= programme) → spécial m, émission f spéciale
a world cup special → un spécial coupe du mondespecial agent n → agent m secretSpecial Branch n (British) → renseignements mpl générauxspecial correspondent n → envoyé(e) m/f spécial(e)special delivery n
by special delivery → en exprèsspecial education n → éducation f spécialiséespecial educational needs npl → besoins mpl pédagogiques particuliersspecial effects npl → effets mpl spéciaux
a world cup special → un spécial coupe du mondespecial agent n → agent m secretSpecial Branch n (British) → renseignements mpl générauxspecial correspondent n → envoyé(e) m/f spécial(e)special delivery n
by special delivery → en exprèsspecial education n → éducation f spécialiséespecial educational needs npl → besoins mpl pédagogiques particuliersspecial effects npl → effets mpl spéciaux
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
→ besondere(r, s); (= specific) purpose, use, person, date → bestimmt, speziell; (= exceptional) friend, favour, occasion → speziell; I have no special person in mind → ich habe eigentlich an niemanden Bestimmtes gedacht; in this one special instance → in diesem einen Fall; take special care of it → passen Sie besonders gut darauf auf; nothing special → nichts Besonderes; he expects special treatment → er will besonders behandelt werden, er will eine Extrawurst gebraten haben (inf); this is rather a special day for me → heute ist ein ganz besonderer Tag für mich; he uses the word in a special way → er gebraucht das Wort in einer speziellen Bedeutung; heâs a very special person to her, heâs very special to her → er bedeutet ihr sehr viel; youâre extra special! (inf) → du bist was ganz Besonderes! (inf); whatâs so special about her/the house? → was ist denn an ihr/an dem Haus so besonders?; whatâs so special about that? → na und? (inf), → das ist doch nichts Besonderes!; I do that my own special way → ich mache das ganz auf meine (eigene) Weise; everyone has his special place → jeder hat seinen eigenen Platz; to feel special → sich als etwas ganz Besonderes vorkommen; make him feel special → seien Sie besonders nett zu ihm
(= out of the ordinary) → Sonder-, besondere(r, s); special permission → Sondererlaubnis f; special legislation → Sondergesetzgebung f; special feature (Press) → Sonderartikel m
(inf, = separate) place, book etc → gesondert
(= constable) → Hilfspolizist(in) m(f)
(= train) → Sonderzug m
:special agent
n (= spy) → Agent(in) m(f)
special bargain
n (Comm) → Sonderangebot nt, → Schnäppchen nt (inf)
Special Branch
n (Brit) → Sicherheitspolizei f, → Sicherheitsdienst m
special case
n (also Jur) → Sonderfall m
special character
n (Comput) → Sonderzeichen nt
special code
n (Comput) → Sonderzeichen nt
special constable
n → Hilfspolizist(in) m(f)
special correspondent
n (Press) → Sonderberichterstatter(in) m(f)
special delivery
n → Eilzustellung f; a special-delivery letter → ein Eilbrief m; by special → durch Eilzustellung, per Eilboten (inf)
special drawing rights
pl → Sonderziehungsrechte pl
special edition
n → Sonderausgabe f
special effects
pl (Film) → Spezialeffekte pl
special envoy
n → Sondergesandte(r) mf
special investigator
:special messenger
special needs
pl (Brit) children with special, special children → behinderte Kinder pl, → Kinder pl → mit Behinderungen; special teacher → Behindertenlehrer(in) m(f), → Sonderschullehrer(in) m(f)
special offer
n → Sonderangebot nt
special pleading
special prosecutor
n (US) → Sonderstaatsanwalt m → /-anwältin f
special relationship
n (Pol) → besondere Beziehungen pl → (with mit)
special school
n (Brit) → Sonderschule f; (for physically handicapped) → Behindertenschule f
Collins German Dictionary â Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
[ˈspɛʃ/əl]1. adj
a. (specific) → particolare, speciale
have you any special date in mind? → hai in mente una data particolare?
I've no-one special in mind → non penso a nessuno in particolare
have you any special date in mind? → hai in mente una data particolare?
I've no-one special in mind → non penso a nessuno in particolare
b. (exceptional, price, favour, legislation) → speciale; (powers) → straordinario/a; (particular, care, situation, attention) → particolare
take special care! → siate particolarmente prudenti!
to make a special effort → fare del proprio meglio
this is a special day for me → è una giornata speciale per me
you're extra special (fam) → sei veramente speciale
to expect special treatment → aspettarsi un trattamento speciale
nothing special → niente di speciale
what's so special about her? → che cosa ha di tanto speciale?
take special care! → siate particolarmente prudenti!
to make a special effort → fare del proprio meglio
this is a special day for me → è una giornata speciale per me
you're extra special (fam) → sei veramente speciale
to expect special treatment → aspettarsi un trattamento speciale
nothing special → niente di speciale
what's so special about her? → che cosa ha di tanto speciale?
2. n (train) → treno straordinario; (newspaper) → edizione f straordinaria
the chef's special → la specialità dello chef
the chef's special → la specialità dello chef
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
(ËspeÊÉl) adjective1. out of the ordinary; un-usual or exceptional. a special occasion; a special friend.
2. appointed, arranged, designed etc for a particular purpose. a special messenger; a special tool for drilling holes.
noun something which is special. There's a special (= a special train) due through here at 5.20.
Ëspecialist noun a person who makes a very deep study of one branch of a subject or field. Dr Brown is a heart specialist.
speciality (speÊiËÉti) , (American) specialty (ËspeÊÉlti) â plurals speciËalities, ~Ëspecialties â noun1. a special product for which one is well-known. Brown bread is this baker's speciality.
2. a special activity, or subject about which one has special knowledge. His speciality is physics.
Ëspecialize, Ëspecialise verb (usually with in) go give one's attention (to), work (in), or study (a particular job, subject etc). He specializes in fixing computers.
ËspecialiËzation, ËspecialiËsation nounËspecialized, Ëspecialised adjective
(of knowledge, skills etc) of the accurate detailed kind obtained by specializing.
Ëspecially adverb1. with one particular purpose. I picked these flowers specially for you; a splendid cake, specially made for the occasion.
2. particularly; exceptionally. He's a nice child, but not specially clever.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
→ Ø®Ùاص٠zvláštnà speciel besonders ειδικÏÏ especial erikoinen spécial specijalan speciale ç¹å¥ã® í¹ë³í speciaal spesiell specjalny especial оÑобÑй speciell à¸à¸´à¹à¸¨à¸© özel Äặc biá»t ç¹å«çMultilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
a. especial, único-a; extraordinario-a;
adv. especialmente.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009