01 Separation It circulates the body delivering essential nutrients and oxygen to cells and transports out waste and carbon dioxide. It is also responsible for stopping bleeding when injury is sustained and controls osmotic pressure by keeping water balance in check. Blood plays a huge role in our daily lives but often goes unnoticed. HITSFAMILY aims to shed light on the hidden things in our society that that play an important role.
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is a family collective that promotes social change by understanding creativity. The family is made up of HITSPAPER, a creative resources web magazine that explores the creative relationship between society and people, and KOTENHITS, a design studio that explores various designs as they develop into graphic web space content.
The concept of HITSFAMILY is “blood.” If we think about our human anatomy and society in terms of their respective characteristics and systems, we can draw an analogy. If society is a single organism made up of Homo sapiens, then HITSFAMILY would be the connective tissue, the blood that links together each personal boundary. Blood is the medium that delivers nutrients and transports waste from cells; it maintains bodily balance and coagulates to stop overflow when damage is sustained. This is how we want to face social issues—by circulating new values through the power of creativity and imagination.
The role of HITSFAMILY is “the brain,” which aims to drive social change by acting as the blood that links and circulates within society.
If society is a single organism made up of Homo sapiens, HITSPAPER is contemplated the answer the universal questions like what is life? what is beauty? what is individual? and what are humans?; and restores to society as the place we can consider those questions.
The role of the HITSPAPER is “eyes,” which aim to drive social change by acting as the blood that links and circulates within society. If society is a single organism made up of Homo sapiens, HITSPAPER is aimed to deliver the sense of sight, and give the inspiration to the brain. We promote learning and inspiration by applying language interpretation (independent thought and personal interpretation) to our accumulated knowledge, which we hope to pass onto future generations.
The role of KOTENHITS is “the hand,” which aims to drive social change by acting as the blood that links and circulates within society.
If society is a single organism made up of Homo sapiens, KOTENHITS is what delivers sensory touch to the brain, and returns it back to society in the form of inspiration that was proceeded within the mind. Those are contained tradition and culture that we call hand landscape made by many people from times past. Also, longing for freedom and context of prayer are included.
The members of HITSFAMILY are Creative Director Arata Sasaki, Art Director Takashi Kawada

The studio is located at: Taishido 3-30-6-202, Setagayaku, Tokyo 154-0004 Japan

For more information about each project, please visit:
HITSPAPER | antenna7.comDaisy Balloon | www.daisyballoon.com

Visit SNS pages for each project here: