photo by Zemlinki!
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PLEASE DELETE the Mike Culley LBIPP,LRPS,LMPA animal pics
This guy (what does "LBIPP,LRPS,LMPA" even mean??) seems to have dumped his ENTI...
catabq16 months ago1 replies
Introduce yourself
This has become a pretty huge group now - there's hundreds of us! Seems like a ...
Zemlinki!113 months ago12 replies
Replicas (sort of) Available
Please excuse my boldness, but as a lover of street signs and street art I start...
Nfultr8ages ago0 replies
a new group: pictograms!
hi there guys, from today ther's another brand new group called Pictograms, Pic...
flavia2012ages ago0 replies
New Group: Skating Is A Crime
I have started a group for no skating signs. I know this sounds like a very spe...
earthdogages ago0 replies
Yay for the sensible stick figures!
But are they just too smug?
Auntie Pages ago8 replies
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