Saturday, November 27, 2021



Left to right: Dr. Vernon Neppe, Dr. Ed Close, Dr. Maria Sagi, Dr. Ervin Lazlo


There seems to be some confusion about what a dimension is, what a dimension is not, and how additional dimensions, if they exist, relate to the three dimensions of space and one dimension of time that we think we know so well. It is not unusual these days to hear someone who has seen a strange object zip across the sky, say: “UFOs must come from another dimension”, or someone who has had a near-death experience may say that they “saw an alternate reality in an extra dimension.” Statements like these illustrate what I mean by confusion about what a dimension is, and about what the word “dimension” means.


This confusion about dimensions is due largely to the fact that the concept of dimensionality has been poorly defined, even by mainstream scientists and mathematicians. One thing I can say about dimensions with some confidence, is that dimensions of space and time are not what most people think they are. After many years of research and defining how the measurement of the dimensions of space and time change with relative motion, Einstein concluded that space has no existence apart from being a structural feature of physical reality. He said: Time and space are modes by which we think and not conditions in which we live.” Conclusion: The dimensions of space and time are just measurable aspects of the form of physical reality, not “things” in the sense that mountains, trees, and other physical objects are.


When I write or speak about the extra dimensions of the TDVP model of reality, typical questions that I am asked include the following:

“If space is not a real thing like the atmosphere or an ocean, why are there three dimensions of space? Why not two, or four, or some other number? Why do you say there are also three dimensions of time and three dimensions of consciousness? If these extra dimensions actually exist, what exactly are they? Where are they? And why don’t we see them the way we see the three dimensions of space?”

I will try to answer these questions here, but first, I first want to be absolutely certain that you know what I mean when I say the word dimension.


Dimension is a common word, a word that ordinary people use all the time. Everyone knows what is meant by the word when it is used in regard to the size of a room, or the dimensions of a box to be shipped. In general, the dimensions of a physical object are length, width, and height or depth. But the same word is also used to describe qualities or aspects of reality that have nothing to do with the dimensions of space and time. For example, you might hear a psychiatrist speak of dimensions of mental health, or a musician refer to the emotional dimensions of a beautiful symphony or a patriotic march. These uses of the word are legitimate and understandable, but, for clarity in TDVP, and in these discussions, the word dimension must be defined with one, and only one, very specific meaning:


A dimension is the measurable, directional extent of a finite distinction, i.e., a measure of the extent of a finite object or group of objects.


The measurement of any other feature of objective reality is not a dimension. For example, measures of mass are measures of content, not extent. There are also measures of impact and intent, but in these discussions, when I use the word dimension, I am referring to a measure of extent, nothing more, nothing else. Dimensions are measures of extent, and only measures of extent.


With this brief introduction to the subject of dimensionality, I will proceed trying to remove as much of the confusion about dimensions as I can by answering the specific questions about dimensions listed above.


Clarifying the Terminology and Answering the Questions

Realization that what we call dimensions are actually just measures of the geometric structure of reality, makes it clear that it is incorrect to say that something, e.g., a UFO, can come from a dimension, or that anything exists in a dimension. Saying that UFOs come from another dimension is like saying that a 3-D object comes from length. Similarly, saying that an alternate reality exists in another dimension is incorrect because nothing can exist in a dimension, instead, every real thing exists in a multi-dimensional domain of three or more dimensions.


Dimensions are simply measurements of the extent of an object or objects contained in a given volumetric domain. UFOs, regardless of where they might come from, suddenly appear in our 4-D spacetime awareness when the domain of our perception is expanded to include the energies of the content of an extra dimensional domain, energies not normally in the range of our organs of vision. And what appear to be alternate realities are probably glimpses of more detail of the complex reality that exists in domains with more dimensions than we normally perceive. With that, I will try to answer the specific questions that have been asked regarding the extra dimensions of the TDVP model of reality.


Why are there three dimensions of space? Why not two, or four, or some other number? (This question is not asked as often as the others in the list, but I am addressing it first because the answer is the basis for the other questions and answers.)

If space had less than three dimensions, there would be no physical universe, because at least three dimensions are required to contain objects with mass and energy. Physical objects are composed of rotating mass and energy vortices, and the stable, uniform rotation of a finite object can only occur if the object is symmetric around three rotational axes equally distant from each other, i.e., 90 degrees apart, on any 360-degree circumference drawn on the surface of a sphere constructed around the object.


Applications of the CoDD to the dynamics and combinations of electrons, quarks, protons, and neutrons, reveal that because of this, they have an intrinsic ½ spin. From this it follows that finite, rotating objects with an integer multiple of ½ spin (that includes the Fermions, the “particles” that make up atomic structure) are volumetric phenomena that can only exist in dimensional domains with three or more dimensions. This means that stable elementary particles are symmetrical objects rotating in three dimensions, and since dimensions reflect the structure of the field of matter and energy, space has at least three dimensions. But could space have more than three dimensions?


The TDVP quantum description of the process of moving from one dimensional domain to the next, i.e., from an n-dimensional domain to the n+1-dimensional domain, is a process that I call dimensional extrapolation. This process reveals a surprising mathematical invariance: After each series of three projections from domain to domain, the unit of projection, which is also the base unit of the additional dimension creating the n+1 dimensional domain, must change to a different, more complex type of number. Otherwise, the projection does not leave the n-dimensional domain; it is just a movement from one point to another within the n-dimensional domain. The projection extends out of the three-dimensional domain of physical space, e.g., if, and only if, the unitary projection is transformed from one quantum equivalence unit to one ‘imaginary’ unit. Then, and only then, the projection leaves the space domain. Therefore, there can be three, and only three, dimensions of space.


Note for those interested in the math and physics of this invariance: The proof of this very significant conclusion involves applications of the Calculus of Dimensional Distinctions, the Pythagorean Theorem, Fermat’s Last Theorem, infinite descent proofs, and the discovery of the existence of gimmel, the quantized, non-physical part of quantum reality that creates stable nucleons and the life-supporting atoms of the Periodic Table of Elements.

Also, of note for those interested in the math: All of the unitary projections from one dimensional domain to the next are members of the set of the primitive roots of unity. When these projections are calculated sequentially, a marked increase in complexity occurs in the form of the unitary projection with each third projection. This correlates with the increase in the physical complexity of the contents of the dimensional domains after each series of three.


Why do you say there are also three dimensions of time and three dimensions of consciousness?

Answer: Because of this dimensional domain invariance, in any n to n+1 projection, as described above. When the process of dimensional extrapolation is applied to move the focus of unitary projection from the sixth dimension to the seventh, the unit of projection changes again, from imaginary to complex. The change in complexity of the projection unit reflects the increase in complexity of the content of the new triad of dimensional domains. This difference of complexity is apparent in the change in complexity that occurs moving from the three dimensions of space into the dimensional domain of time. The change is even greater when moving from domains of  spacetime into the dimensional domain of consciousness.


If these extra dimensions actually exist, what exactly are they, and where are they?

Bear in mind that dimensions have no existence of their own. They are simply measures of extent, reflecting the manifold complexity of the content of the dimensional domains they encompass, i.e., the shape of the field of reality existing within the domain. And the extra dimensions of reality are not things existing somewhere else. If you expand your consciousness to include one more dimension beyond your current awareness, then you find that the new dimensional domain contains everything you were aware of before, and more. It’s like moving from the focus of reading an interesting book, to suddenly realizing that there is a greater reality all around you.


Why don’t we see them the way we see the three dimensions of space?

This question reveals how deeply in our minds the confusion about what a dimension is and is not, is rooted. No one can “see” a dimension because dimensions are not things the way a house, tree, or any object distinguished from the rest of reality is. You do not see dimensions; you see the contents of a dimensional domain. Consider, for example, a tree growing outside my office window. It is made up of a variety of atoms and molecules vibrating at frequencies that reflect light vibrating at frequencies that my eyes, optic nerves, and brain cells can receive, process, and interpret as an image of a tree.


The range of frequencies that my physical eyes can receive is limited to a narrow band of vibratory frequencies, and it appears, from my research into the nature of consciousness, that the physical senses are just fragmented parts of a potentially much greater awareness of the vast vibratory reality existing all around us in higher dimensional domains.


Dimensions and Consciousness

In the last blogpost, I quoted physicist John Archibald Wheeler, who said: “Useful as it is under everyday circumstances to say that the world exists ‘out there’ independent of us, that view can no longer be upheld. There is a strange sense in which this is a ‘participatory universe’.” Application of the CoDD dispels much, if not all, of this strangeness. As mentioned above, it shows us some surprising things about the structure of sub-atomic physical reality. For example, it reveals that elementary particles are not rigid particles, and explains why quarks combine in threes to form protons, which are the most stable objects in the physical universe. A greater understanding of this mutability of physical reality at the quantum scale could lead to truly remarkable advances in every field of science.


In Laws of Form, G. Spencer Brown says that “Although all forms, and thus all universes, are possible, and any particular form is mutable, it becomes evident that the laws relating such forms are the same in any universe. Application of the CoDD to analyze the formation of stable atoms from the combination of quarks and electrons, shows us that physical reality has the same structural form at the quantum level as the logical topological structure of analytical geometry, which, when combined with the concepts of number and equivalence, form the basis of pure mathematics. It also reveals the existence of gimmel, the quantifiable non-physical link between the physical universe and consciousness. With the discovery of gimmel, we finally begin to understand why the physical universe has the same logical structure as consciousness and pure mathematics. The dimensions of space, time, and consciousness are intimately interconnected by mathematical invariances in every dimensional domain.


Consciousness is no stranger to us. It is the only thing we experience directly. For this reason, it is difficult to define. It is a fundamental part of reality, if for no other reason, because it is absolutely impossible to know anything about the physical universe without consciousness. As Max Planck said: “We cannot get behind consciousness.” So, let’s have a deeper look at consciousness. The first distinction we draw as conscious beings, is the distinction of self from other, the difference between “in here” versus “out there”. Because of this distinction, we think “I am in here, and everything else is out there”. But is this really true, or is it just a belief based on limited information?


A fundamental difference between consciousness and physical reality that we tend to overlook is that “in here”, space and time are infinitely continuous and infinitely divisible, while out there, the physical universe is finite and discretely quantized. Before the discoveries of Max Planck and Albert Einstein, we assumed that the physical universe existing “out there” was infinitely continuous and infinitely divisible just like the “in here” of consciousness. We know now that this is not true; and it becomes important to find out exactly how infinitely continuous consciousness interacts with the finite distinctions of physical reality. This interaction is largely hidden from us as human beings because it happens at the quantum scale, extremely far below the operating range of our physical senses.


Applications of the Calculus of Dimensional Distinctions with the Triadic Rotational Unit of Equivalence (TRUE) as the basic unit of measurement, have shown that our limited awareness of three dimensions of space, and a succession of moments on one timeline, is the result of the limited functioning of our physical senses and the organization of mass and energy in a stable form. Analyzing the combination of quarks to form the proton, we find that this stability is assured by the existence of a specific number of units of a measurable third form of quantum reality that we call gimmel.


Gimmel is categorically different than the other forms of reality because it has no physical mass or energy. The existence of non-physical gimmel not only stabilizes physical reality at the quantum scale, but it also causes it to take on the specific structural form it does. That stable structure leads to the formation of certain elements (hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, etc.) that make up the organic compounds that form the basis for the development and support of living organisms. These living organisms, because of the influence of gimmel, have some level of consciousness and self-awareness from the first single-celled living thing, to the most complex of all life forms.


Extra Dimensions? So What?!

Finally, I think when people ask about what the extra dimensions predicted by the TDVP model are, they are really asking about what expanded awareness into the extra dimensional domains of 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 dimensions of reality reveals. Perhaps the question should be: What would a person with his or her consciousness expanded to receive energies from these extra dimensions see and experience? I touched on answers to this question in the post of October 24, 2021, titled “DIMENSIONS OF SPACE, TIME, AND CONSCIOUSNESS”. The reader might want to review that post in conjunction with this post.


The answers I gave there are controversial from the point of view of many mainstream scientists because people who have experienced expanded states of consciousness during meditation, spiritual inspiration, or in traumatic near-death experiences, are considered by those who ascribe to simple materialism as their basic philosophical belief system, to be psychotic or delusional. Despite the growing number of verified cases of extra-sensory perception during NDEs and OBEs, reports of expanded states of awareness are still generally considered to be paranormal and subjective by mainstream science. However, TDVP provides, for the first time, a comprehensive scientific framework that explains psychic abilities as natural effects of expanded consciousness.


The real value and purpose of having an improved model of reality is to develop a realistic map of the path leading to the goal of human existence: Cosmic Consciousness; and that path may start at the quantum level, where we find the first direct evidence of the interaction of consciousness and physical reality.


ERC – 11/27/2021

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