Land Services

comp-plan-facebook-smComprehensive Plan Update

We are in the beginning stages of updating the Douglas County Comprehensive Plan, the 20-year vision for how unincorporated Douglas County will grow through 2046. 

What We Do

The mission of the Community Development Department is to support the community by promoting quality development now and in the future. The primary responsibilities of the Land Services Division of the Department of Transportation and Land Services are construction permitting and inspection, land use permitting and advanced planning. In order to fulfill these responsibilities and to enhance the general health, safety and welfare of our constituents we are guided by the following principles:

  • Building Services

    The Building Division's goal is to participate in the creation of a community where people can live safely, comfortably, and economically.  The Building Division administers and enforces the International Building Code, Washington State Building Code, the fire and life and safety codes. In addition, the Building Division reviews all plans submitted for building permits, and performs all required inspections throughout construction.

  • Current Planning & Zoning

    The Current Planning & Zoning Division coordinates the County's land planning development review activities. This division reviews all rezonings, conditional use permits, subdivisions and site plans, This Division provides staff support to the Board of County Commissioners, Planning Commission many other departments regarding development applications. 

  • Long Range Planning

    The Long Range (Comprehensive) Planning Division provides vision and guidance for the long range development of the County. This Division develops and maintains the County's Comprehensive Plan, conducts special studies, and monitors population and housing growth. This Division provides staff support to the Board of County Commissioners and the Planning Commission on long-range planning studies and development.

Additional Responsibilities

The Land Services Division is responsible for the local implementation of a myriad of state and federal mandates affecting lands in unincorporated Douglas County. The Land Services Division provides professional support to the Douglas County Regional Planning Commission and the Douglas County Hearing Examiner.

Land Services also undertakes special projects assigned by the Board of Commissioners.