The Ring newsletters have migrated to email. Here you can read our e-newsletters:
Or follow this link to read past editions of our printed newsletter.
Department of Computer Science and Technology
The Ring was founded in 2002 as a not-for-profit independent members' association, to enable graduates to get a lifetime benefit from their Cambridge degrees, professionally, technically and socially.
The association's governing council designed a programme of events to allow members not only to re-discover and engage with the intellectual rigour associated with being a graduate of the University, but also to provide the opportunity to catch up with old friends and make new contacts within the computing industry.
In 2012, the department, adamant that the Ring was an important asset and should be helped to flourish, decided to bring the association in-house. So, in July 2012 the Cambridge Ring moved from constitutional and operational independence to being part of the department.
Data Protection: Notice for current members
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect in May 2018. We would like to continue sending you regular emails with information about the Ring, the Department of Computer Science and Technology and the University (where appropriate). Please rest assured that we will never pass your details on to third parties. You can opt out of receiving emails from us at any time using the links at the bottom of the emails or by emailing [email protected]. You will then be removed from the distribution list.
The University's data protection statement can be found at: