OLD NAMES of the village(town): 1773, 1786 Sirak, Sirakow, 1808 Sir�k, Szir�k, Ssir�kow, Syr�kow, 1863�1913, 1938�1945 Sir�k, 1920 �ir�kov, 1927�1938, 1945�1948 �ir�kov, Sir�k, 1948� �ir�kov
POPULATION of Sirakov in 2005: 244 inhabitants
SURNAMES in 2005 (the first 100 most common surnames of the village(town)):
note: all below surnames are listed by slovak, english and hungarian spelling
Balla Balla Balla Ballov� Ballova Ballova Bend�k Bendik Bendik Bend�kov� Bendikova Bendikova Bereck� Berecka Bereczka Berecky Berecky Bereczky Bereck� Berecky Bereczky Bojto� Bojtos Bojtos Bojto�ov� Bojtosova Bojtosova Burdi� Burdic Burdics Burdi�ov� Burdicova Burdicsova ��kyov� Cakyova Csakyova Celeng Celeng Czeleng Celengov� Celengova Czelengova Cibu�a Cibula Czibulya Cibu�ov� Cibulova Czibulyova De�k Deak Deak De�kov� Deakova Deakova D�mik Dimik Dimik Dimikov� Dimikova
... above surnames continue below the google map
Sirakov bordering the villages(towns): Balog nad Iplom |
Batorova |
Cabradsky Vrbovok |
Cebovce |
Celovce |
Cerovo |
Chrastince |
Dolinka |
Dolne Nekyje |
Dolne Plachtince |
Dolne Pribelce |
Dolne Rykyncice |
Dolne Selany |
Dolne Strhare |
Dolne Turovce |
Drienovo |
Durkovce |
Horne Nekyje |
Horne Plachtince |
Horne Pribelce |
Horne Rykyncice |
Horne Selany |
Horne Turovce |
Hrusov |
Ipelske Predmostie |
Ipelske Ulany |
Kamenne Kosihy |
Kiarov |
Klenany |
Kolare |
Kosihovce |
Kosihy nad Iplom |
Kostolne Nenince |
Lesenice |
Mala Calomija |
Male Straciny |
Maly Krtis |
Medovarce |
Modry Kamen |
Nenince |
Nova Ves |
Nova Ves |
Obeckov |
Olovary |
Opatovce |
Opatovska Nova Ves |
Opava |
Plastovce |
Pribelce |
Priklak |
Rykyncice |
Sahy |
Secianky |
Selany |
Selce |
Selce |
Selestany |
Sklabina |
Slovenske Darmoty |
Stredne Plachtince |
Stredne Turovce |
Tesmak |
Tesmak |
Trebusovce |
Velka Calomija |
Velka Ves nad Iplom |
Velke Straciny |
Velke Turovce |
Velky Krtis |
Vinica |
Vrbovka |
Zahorce |