List of Slovakia: | All villages | Current counties | Former counties | English - Oldslovanic Dictionary | more... |
Villages in Slovakia: | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | Z |
Surnames - Places - Search
My key services are genealogical searching at the state archives Slovakia and providing my tour guide hired by days in Slovakia

of your eventual trip in Slovakia

Current weather in Slovakia

Spis castle - UNESCO sightseeing in Eastern Slovakia

Make a trip in Slovakia in 2022

Make a trip in Slovakia in 2022

Slovakia vs. USA

US: "You can't have your cake
and eat it"
SK: "You can't sit on two chairs by the same time"
description: you cannot do two things by the same time
see more idioms...

� WELCOME to �

My name is Juraj �is�rik. I live in Ko�ice in Slovakia.
I have published a second edition of the book on the genealogy of Byzantine priests in Slovakia from 1600-2010.
After my 15-year research I have obtained information on more than 842 priests and 7,500 relatives in Eastern

My website and my services were established since 2004

DNA test�s results of this website�s author Juraj Cisarik - haplogroup: R1b1a2a1a1a8
markers: 13 24 14 11 11-14 12 12 12 13 13 30 18 9-10 11 11 25 15 19 29 15-15-16-17 11 11 19-23 15 15 18 18 35-38 12 12 11 9 15-16 8 10 10 8 11 10 12 23-23 15 10 12 12 16 8 12 22 20 13 12 11 13 11 11 13 12


My research and tour guiding area is whole SLOVAKIA,
former Austria-hungarian counties of Slovakia prior 1918 (1st WW)

villages Abauj-Torna | map 1910 --- villages Arva | map 1910 --- villages Bars | map 1910 --- villages Esztergom | map 1910
villages Gomor | map 1910 --- villages Gyor --- villages Hont | map 1910 --- villages Komarom | map 1910 --- villages Lipto | map 1910
villages Nograd | map 1910 --- villages Nyitra | map 1910 --- villages Pozsony | map 1910 --- villages Saros | map 1910 ---
villages Szepes | map 1910 --- villages Trencsen | map 1910 --- villages Turocz --- villages Ung | map 1910
villages Zemplen | map 1910 --- villages Zolyom | map 1910

slovak spelling:
villages Abov-Turna | map 1910 --- villages Orava | map 1910 --- villages Tekov | map 1910 --- villages Ostrihom | map 1910
villages Gemer | map 1910 --- villages Rab --- villages Hont | map 1910 --- villages Komarno | map 1910
villages Liptov | map 1910 --- villages Novohrad | map 1910 --- villages Nitra | map 1910 --- v
illages Bratislava | map 1910
villages Saris | map 1910 --- villages Spis | map 1910 --- villages Trencin | map 1910 --- villages Turiec
villages Uzhorod | map 1910 --- villages Zemplin | map 1910 --- villages Zvolen | map 1910

List of Slovakia: | All villages | Current counties | Former counties |

My key services are genealogical searching at the state archives Slovakia and providing my tour guide hired by days in Slovakia

| Academy | Arboretum | Archeological-Area | Area | Bell-Tower | Bishop-Palace | Bridge | Calvary | Castle | Cave | Cellar | Cementery | Chapel | Chapel-Wooden | Church | Church-Wooden | Citadel | Crypt | Defensive-Wall | Dinopark | Economic-Building | Economic-Buildings | Fencing-With-Gate | First-Hospital | Folk-Architecture | Folk-Architecture-ENC1 | Folk-Fountain | Folk-Group | Fortification | Fortress | Fountain | Furnace | Garden | Gate | Gothic-Bell-Tower | Grammar-School | Granary | Grave-Stone | Historical-Building | House | House-Memorial | House-Original | Iron-Mills | Jewish-Synagogue | Library | Log-Houses | Lyceum | Manor-House | Mausoleum | Mechanized-Wooden-Crib | Memorial-House | Memory-Board | Memory-Room | Meteorologic-Observatory | Mill | Mining-Historical-Sight | Monastery | Monument | Monument-II-World-War | Monument-I-World-War | Museum | Palace | Parish-House | Parish-Residence | Park | Pastoral-House | Pilgrimage-Site | Pillory | Prison | Railway-Station | Recreation-Center | Reduta | Rotunda | Ruin | Samot | School | Solivar | Spa-Building | Station-Building | Statue | Stone-Wall | Stud-Farm | Technical-Buildings | Theatre | Thermal-Bath | Tower | Town | Town-Building | Town-Hall | Town-Ridotto | Tunnel | UNESCO | University | Watchtower | Waterfall | Water-Mill | Water-Tank | Water-Well | Wind-Mill | Wooden-Bell-Tower | Wooden-House | Wooden-Wall |

church built in abt 850 AD - only this one church still stands from Great Moravia age.
St. Cyril and Methodius came and brought the Christianity for all Slavs there in 863.

LEGO website of my 3 sons ... there are few instructions books of their lego creativities here
I promissed to them to add their sub-website on this main window of my genalogical website

... my recent references:

Tour_Guide_Slovakia_2014_November / client: THOMPSON_Becky / area: Myjava, Podbranc, Podzamok, Sobotiste

To: [email protected]
Subject: thank you for everything!
From: [email protected]
I hope you had a safe drive back to Kosice.
We can't thank you enough for everything you did for us.� We never expected to find a cousin on the first day, and the second day, and the third day (!), and it was only your intuition and experience that made that happen.� Your friendly demeanor opened doors to us that we never could have even found, so thank you so much.� We will treasure knowing the new cousins, and will send Kim to you as soon as she can arrange the trip!
Best wishes,

... in the case you would like to get references about my tour guide services write a mail to my above recent client

many useful genealogical informations
website of Steven Osifchin
my friend genealogist in west Slovakia
Hungarian/Czechoslovak Jewish records
Marshall Katz

Four Eastern European families came to America to escape poverty, war and the tyranny of kings. In the company-owned coal towns in eastern Pennsylvania their dreams faded. They lived in squalor, faced discrimination and endured danger in the mines... more on:

Ginny�s trip in Slovakia

Copyright � 2004-2016 Juraj Cisarik - Kosice - Slovakia. All rights reserved. Address: Juraj Cisarik, Narodna trieda 70, 040 01 Kosice, Slovakia. Self-phone no.: 00421 915 317 597
My key services are genealogical searching at the state archives of Slovakia and providing my tour guide hired by days in Slovakia.