My Girls from IDEAL Hatchery(and a few roos)
I have seen several posts recently in regards to examples of different hatchery chickens. I know some prefer a private breeder, but in my opinion, to each is own. I live in a suburban/urban area and need the option of sexing my chicks. I have...
Cornish Xs
I purchased 15 cornish Xs through Ideal Hatchery, March 2010 with my layers. All made it fine and mostly all survived to almost adulthood
8 females + 7 males = 15 chickens
Weight per Chicken
(1) 6.32 lbs
(2) 7.01
(3) 6.06
(4) 6.29
(5) 6.43
(6) 7.11
Local Chicken Resources
After having chickens for over 2 years in Indianapolis, I have been on the search for chicken items. Not only chicken items, but chicken items that are priced reasonably & are easy (for the most part ) to navigate. Also, in this chicken quest, I have become very aware &...
Welcome to my BYC home page!
The above statement pretty much represents everyone's reaction when I decided to bring some girls into our family. I live in Indy & not many people around here have chickens. Those animals are for the "farmers" in the country, not the citizens...