A How-to Article
Part 1: building a coop
Part 2: cold weather care
Part 3: poultry and breed selection
Link to my three coop pages:
My pond coop. The side walls of the coop are 8 feet tall, plus the eaves and the roof.
Part 1: building...
Alaskan's Chicken Coop Complex
(I made a separate page for my Muscovy Coop and Overflow Poultry Coop: https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/alaskans-smaller-coops
and my free Bantam Coop: https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/alaskans-no-cost-bantam-coop )
(Cold Weather Tips are at the bottom of...
My big Chicken Coop Complex is on this page:
My Free Bantam Coop is on this page:
This page is for my two small coops, the about $8 Muscovy Coop in my orchard, and the Pond...
Bantam Coop
First, my other coop pages:
https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/my-coop-journey My big Chicken Coop Complex
https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/alaskans-smaller-coops My Muscovy Coop and my Poultry Overflow Coop/Pond Coop
Photo above directly after construction
(I think summer...