Bug Fixes in OSS environment
A user reported a bug in RavenDB. We tracked that bug into a race condition in a 3rd party library, which then forced us to fix the bug, and then do the dependency roll up:
Then again, we could do all of that ourselves.
What's a dependency roll up?
The chain of the dependencies that you have, basically.
What exactly could you do all by yourselves?
Gilligan, everything that Lucene.NET Spatial does (and by extension, Spatial4n and Net Topology Suite and anything they depend on).
Ayende you often say ...I use OSS project every time is possible
How can you "do" a "chain of dependencies"?
What does this have to do with OSS projects? It it was a couple of commercial libs depending on each other - the problem would have been even worse (if they wouldn't fix it and release it quickly). Now you can fix it at least.
Roger, a) Commercial software tend not to have that deep a dependency tree. For obvious reasons. b) That was pretty much my point on the last sentence.
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