
Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Proof Of Life 😁

Some fresh pictures taken this afternoon...

 A little ‘proof of life’ in the studio….. sleying my new 14 dent reed that I got for last Christmas and haven’t used until now. Just a bit more to go and then we’ll be tackling the very last tie up on this loom.

This is this loom’s last project with me at the helm.

Meanwhile on the Megado…. a new beginning on scarf #2 and I’m using a pale gold to take a softer approach to this mix of colours. 

This is the last project with the older dobby and the new one is waiting patiently in its box.
I weave for short periods and see how my back feels and also slowly build up my muscles again!

It came with a bonus foot rest too! Now I have one for each side on the foot rail.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Summer Update 🍹 ⛱️


Sitting at a waterside seasonal restaurant called Jiggers, waiting for friends to join us and enjoy a meal together.    We've been taking a much more relaxed time of things lately!   As luck would have it, we all chose fish and chips and it was yummy!  

Next up is the surprise crop of young green beans, that Hub grew in a pot behind the shed by chance !   He says there are many more beans coming along.... 

I have been spinning steadily for the past six months and once they are off the niddy noddy, they got tossed into a bin.   So the day arrived to wash them all up and so what you see below is 16 skeins of handspun that is almost dry after a day outside on the patio in a gentle breeze.   I washed up one more skein the next day so the skein count went to 17.   (Plus the ones previously shown here so.... much more!)

Spinning while waiting for my back to heal was a sanity saver!   😳

Weaving?  well, yes there has been some but I do small time increments at the big loom and so have 62 inches done on the first scarf, with a second scarf to go after that.  My legs will need time to regain their 'mojo' again.  The new dobby will go on after this project is all done. 

On the Spring loom I discovered three serious threading errors and decided that I'd rather fix them now and so pulled almost all the warp  back and now working on rethreading the loom again.    

So some progress on that front..... but I did say the pace and  focus of my studio was going to change and it has.

It's a long weekend here and so we are doing a 'staycation' and taking things easy!    Stay cool 🍹 ⛱️