My potager garden is a small garden on the island of Resarö, Resarö is situated in the inner part of the archipelago outside of Stockholm. Tyra´s Garden is mostly an ornamental vegetable garden, potager. But flowers are of course an important ingredience, for beauty and pollination.
Tyra's Garden is a small garden on the island of Resarö situated in the inner part of the archipelago near the small town Vaxholm, outside Stockholm. Tyra's Garden is mostly an ornamental vegetable garden, my potager. But flowers are of course an important ingredience, for beauty and pollination. The climate in these parts is quite demanding as the northerly winds can be strong and cold. THIS BLOG 'Tyra's Garden' is not entirely a gardenblog it contains much more. About me: Enthusiastic amateur gardener and photographer from Vaxholm, Sweden. Designed and built my Greenhouse and Potager in Tyra's Garden 2003. Love the outdoor life, gardening and sailing especially. View my profile


Come together - Lets grow!

A TED talk well worth listening to!

What a wonderful world it could be if we all came together an made this REVOLUTION

Pam Warhurst: How we can eat our landscapes

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Spring bulbs and great details.

Spring flowers from the Netherlands

I found this very positive and beautiful clip about spring flowering bulbs. But if look at the film you also take notice of all the other small and very beautifully done details in the different gardens

I wish you all a lovely day!/ Tyra

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Herbal Salt from the Kitchen Garden

The Photo of the Day

#hebalsalt #kitchengarden

I made the first batch of herbal salt yesterday and the result...6 jar packed with fragrant and delicious 
herbal salt. Dead easy and fun to make.

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Edible Flowers in my November Garden

This post "Edible Flowers in my November Garden" was originally uploaded by Tyra Hallsénius Lindhe in the blog

Edible flowers - Companion plants

November and amazingly still hardy any frost at all. Now this is what I call a nice fall. Mild and colourful, talking about colours, I took a stroll through my potager garden the other day and took some photos of my edible flowers. This is what I found, aren’t they just sweet. Some of the plant has been “in floribus” all throughout the whole summer. Most of them are companion plant that helps my garden stay healthy.

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Happy Halloween - Farewell to Gorgeous October

This post "Happy Halloween - Farewell to Gorgeous October" was originally uploaded by Tyra Hallsénius Lindhe in the blog Tyras Trädgård/Tyras Garden

This must have been the best fall ever! 

The weather has been extraordinary wonderful. Sunny days and MILD temperatures, now that’s the way I like it. Jack Frost has not shown his face yet and I wish he could stay away from my part of the world a bit more, as the winter here is much to long and dark..."We do not need to freeze our but off too, yet, Jack!" ;-)

 I can still harvest from my kitchen garden and I do have some flowers that are still in bloom. What more can a garden-girl wish for.

I wish you all a wonderful weekend!/ Tyra

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Sweet Mace - Tagetes Lucida

This post "Tyra’s Spanish Tarragon Pesto – Sweet Mace Pesto" was originally uploaded by Tyra Hallsénius Lindhe in the blog Tyra's Garden - Tyras Trädgård

Tyra’s Spanish Tarragon Pesto – Sweet Mace Pesto

RECIPE  - Tyra’s Spanish Tarragon Pesto – Sweet Mace Pesto


45g (1/4 cup) pine nuts

3,5 dl/1 1/2 cups of fresh ‘Sweet Mace’ leaves

2 garlic cloves

60g (3/4 cup) shredded parmesan

¾ dl/ 5 tbls olive oil

This is a tarragon flavored variation of the Italian classic pesto. Do try it with meat, poultry or why not try it with fried courgettes or other vegetable from your kitchen garden.  

Roast the pine nuts on a baking tray in an oven on medium heat (200C.) for about five minutes or until they are done (light golden roasted) Remove the pine nuts  from the oven and tray and let cool. Place the ‘Sweet Mace’ herb, garlic, pine nuts, parmesan in a food processor and cut until it all is finely chopped. Now it is time to add the olive oil, pour it in slowly with the food processor on slow speed. Blend until it all is well blended. I hope you will enjoy the Sweet Mace Pesto (Spanish Tarragon Pesto)

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June in Tyra's Garden

This "June in Tyra's Garden" post was originally uploaded by Tyra Hallsénius Lindhe in the blog Tyra's Garden/ Tyras Trädgård

TIME FLIES...STOP goes too fast! It feels like yesterday that I welcome June the first true month of the summer and now it’s almost gone. The garden virtually exploded all these wonderful blooms all at once. I have made a lot of herbal salt and tasty vinegars, my pink herbal salt turned out really wonderful.

You find the recipe in The Kitchen Garden/ Köksträdgården my Swedish blog about my potager, you do have to press the translate button. Pink Herbal Salt/ Rosaörtsalt  

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Report from My Veranda is Under Siege

This post "Report from My Veranda is Under Siege" was originally uploaded by Tyra Hallsénius Lindhe in th blog Tyra's Garden/Tyras Trädgård

Report from My Veranda is Under Siege

My Veranda is under siege since exactly a month ago. On Valentine’s Day I started to sow my seeds, all the chilies, aubergines, artichokes and so on. the family will get it back on the first day of May :-) 

Today one month later I planted all the tomato seeds, 55 varieties…I know that it is too many but I had such a hard time to choose.

Today was also the first day of harvest, I was thinning out the seedling and that gave me a modest but still a nice little harvest of micro leaves. Lettuce, chicory, amaranth, parsley, cress and so on, they all ended up on my lunch plate. 

Happy Gardening Folks!/ Tyra

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D.I.Y. Paper Pots for your Seedlings

This post "D.I.Y Paper pots for your seedlings" was originally uploaded by  Tyra Hallsénius Lindhe in the blog 
Tyra's Garden - A Kitchen Garden Trädgård

Paper pots

Paper pots are convenient to have at hand now when it is time to sow all the seeds for the growing season 2013. When all your recycled plastic pots are used, these little pots are easy to make and very cheap as well. In the pictures below, I show how I make them. Most people use old newspaper but I do not like to work with them at all, it feels like there are too much chemicals in the newspapers these days. I used the local newspaper the year before last and nearly all my tomato plants died and that was not enough… I got eczema on his hands! I think it was the paper that did it, but it could have been the sowing compost, because I do remember that it was just too wet.  Beware of old seed compost that hasn’t been properly stored during the winter.

This is what you need:

A pot-maker and paper of your choice
Perhaps you also need an water resistant pen if you would like to write something the pots.

That's it folks!

This is how I do it: 

Cut a piece of paper 24 x 30cm paper and fold it in half

Roll it around the wooden pot-maker

Fold in the remaining paper at the bottom

 Push the wooden bottom part of the pot-maker against the paper bottom

Now you can write with a "water-proof" pen the name of the plant that you are going to sow. It does of course disappear when you plant it into the soil...and so does the whole little pot. If you need the name through the entire growing season you maybe better use a proper name-tag.

Done, now it is time for me to continue my Valentine-sowing-fiesta. Now what is that? - you ask. Well I start with all my sowing on the 14th of February and that is the Valentine's Day. So fare I have planted loads of chilies, some artichokes and a great number of different basils. More about that later on...

You are most welcome to - Follow me and like my page on FACEBOOK - Tyra's Garden A Kitchen Garden

 That is all folks!/ Tyra

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A Greenhouse from Old Windows

A Greenhouse from Old Windows.

An article about my greenhouse written by Stephie McCarthy at Flea Market Gardening. The pictures in the article are from my blog or my book "Året i Köksträdgården"

Welcome to a Winter Garden Tour...

"Resarö, Sweden — North winds blow hard from the Baltic Sea and buffet against the willow fence around Tyra Lindhe’s kitchen garden. Designer, author, and creator of one of the most appealing Internet garden sites since 2006, this January, Tyra is showing visitors around her greenhouse made from vintage windows rescued from an attic in her seacoast town in Stockholm County. An ardent photographer, Tyra delights visitors with views of her cobbles-and-millstone courtyard glowing in the last rays of afternoon sun. Then as night falls, this creative gardener lights white candles in the windows and instantly adds even more enchantment." read more...

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