Showing posts with label Freecycle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Freecycle. Show all posts

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Freecycle gold for all!

Went to pick up a load of crockery from a lovely chap through Freecycle today and am now the proud owner of yet more pretty china teacups! I could host my very own WI meeting now :-) Jude is quietly weeping in bewilderment at the range of (as he sees it) utterly pointless crap I manage to infest our cupboards with.

All but one of the slightly mis-matching saucers are blank underneath except for one which has my old mate Meakin stamped on it. I reckon someone must have loved this pattern so much they collected it however it came! There were two other sets with very kitsch patterns but I didn't dare even wash them up: they've gone directly to a friend who will hopefully turn them into mosaic artworks. Milly has absorbed the rest into an ongoing tea/soup-pouring workshop outside!

Each cup has a careful sprinkling of sand in the bottom!
Oh and the whole lot came in an old tin bath exactly like I used to play in as a child! Of course I'll be forcing mine to do the same in order to vicariously re-live my own childhoood...

The skies have cleared after a day of rain and intermittent sunshine, and somehow everything feels a bit lighter today :-)



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