Showing posts with label sultan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sultan. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

TCC012 | Sultan- The Moon

Subtle tones creeping through the sentient Autumnal air, this reissue of Sultan's The Moon materializes from the invisible mist hanging in the air. Recorded in March of 2010, the tape fittingly begins with "Overture", a sweeping and grandiose opening statement, as faded and hushed as "There Goes My Girl", Sultan's wondrous tune that closed Blackburn Recordings Various Deficiancies V.1 compilation. Kayla gave The Moon, a collection of five extended cuts, to a handful of friends, but this is the first time it will be available in larger quantities. Highly recommended for fans of haunting acid-folk, damaged tape excursions and restrained beauty.

Listen to The Moon in its entirety at Sultan's Bandcamp.