The SEA is Ours: Tales of Steampunk Southeast Asia

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“The SEA is Ours: Tales of Steampunk Southeast Asia” out for release November 1st, 2015! IndieGoGo campaign here!


The stories in this collection merge technological wonder with the everyday. Children upgrade their fighting spiders with armor, and toymakers create punchcard-driven marionettes. Large fish lumber across the skies, while boat people find a new home on the edge of a different dimension. Technology and tradition meld as the people adapt to the changing forces of their world. The Sea Is Ours is an exciting new anthology that features stories infused with the spirits of Southeast Asia’s diverse peoples, legends, and geography, as well as featuring stories with queer characters and relationships.

“To me, reading them from a European perspective, the short stories contained in the anthology are wonderfully different…. It is a whole different view and it is a completely different way to tackle Steampunk. You get Buddhist spirituality, organic technology, spirits, fauna adapted to a certain kind of ore, alchemy, music and technology and so much more. I cannot even say which one of the stories is my favourite. Each one is unique in their own way.” – Daily Steampunk

“The ones that did really stood out for me were Timothy Dimacali’s On The Consequence of Sound, which, rightly, is the opening story and features humongous giant whale catfish sweeping through the skies; Marilag Angway’s Chasing Volcanoes which featured airships…. and a fun, rollicking adventure worthy of the era of pulps and adventure serials; as well as Paolo Chikiamco’s Between Severed Souls, a really fun steampunk twist on a Filipino legend.” Ted Mahsun

Release Date: November 1st, 2015

IndieGoGo Campaign:

Editors: Jaymee Goh and Joyce Chng