Favorites Archive
Stroh Violin Repair

I generally do not take commissions, however every once in a while a friend will ask me to make or repair something and it will be an interesting enough project that I will take it on. That was the case with this Stroh violin. The Stroh violin was an
DIY Vibratory Tumbler

My latest feat of post-apocalyptic engineering. Post-apocalyptic engineering is when you use parts on hand no matter what. There is no going to the hardware store because THERE IS NO HARDWARE STORE!! When I built the Girl Genius Radio Theater Microphone I had some brass plates water-jet cut and I
Steampunk Stratocaster #2

I just finished up Steampunk Stratocaster #2 and will be sending it out to be in a gallery show in Indianapolis Indiana in February! Circle City Aerodrome Steampunk Art Show: 'Punked:Yesterday's Tomorrows On Friday the 1st, the night before the Masquerade we will be hosting a reception in honor
Custom Glass iPhone Backs
Make your own custom iPhone back glass images! I figured out how to separate the glass panel from an iPhone back and put any image on it. What follows is my step by step howto for transferring a laser printed image to the inside of the glass back on an
A Visit to a Steampunked Home

If you dropped by my house you’d probably be disappointed. Because (with the exception of my office, which is more post-apocalytic than anything else) it’s simply not very steampunk. I do have plans, but none have come to fruition. However, a couple of weeks ago I was invited by
Jake’s Wimshurst Machine and How to Build It! (Part 1)

Last year I wrote an article for Make Magazine volume #17 that described the construction of an electrostatic generator of electricity, a Wimshurst Influence machine, using parts and materials commonly available at your local home center and hardware store. I was a little surprised and quite pleased when I
Etching Tins with Salt Water and Electricity – Compliment to The Steampunk Bible Article

The Steampunk Bible contains an article I wrote on etching small candy tins with salt water and electricity. There was limited space in the book so we’ve provided this expanded compliment article to help you should you be interested in trying this project, enjoy! In the past, merchants used
Putting Old Lenses on a Canon DSLR

While digging through my old camera equipment I came across my Grandfather’s 35mm Exa . While I have absolutely no desire to revisit the days of film, I was kind of interested in what sort of image the old German made lens would produce on my modern Canon DSLR
Tom Sepe’s Steampunk Motorbike

An Interview By Meredith Scheff Wandering through the industrial neighborhood of West Oakland, You'll find more than a few warehouse art studios, each one filled to the brim with all manner of projects; from giant robots to huge metal art – and of course steam machines. A few days
DIY RV Macerator Pump
When you own an RV one of the things you have to deal with is dumping the waste tanks at the end of your stay in a campground. This is generally not a big deal, you pull up to the dump station, usually located along the driveway on your