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One of the things I discovered converting an old school bus into an RV are these: self-drilling sheet metal screws. They are a game changer.

One of the things I discovered converting an old school bus into an RV are these: self-drilling sheet metal screws. They are a game changer.
A pipe broke at work, that green foam is not good. It’s what happens when water, copper, and electricity mix. Children, do not put your PCs directly on the floor.

A pipe broke at work, that green foam is not good. It’s what happens when water, copper, and electricity mix. Children, do not put your PCs directly on the floor.
TIL: Apple geniuses have no magic. If you can google it and follow instructions you can do everything they can.

TIL: Apple geniuses have no magic. If you can google it and follow instructions you can do everything they can.
Gutted to the studs! Gonna block off some windows and insulate to at least an R12.

Gutted to the studs! Gonna block off some windows and insulate to at least an R12.
“It will just take a hour, I’ll do it after work and then I won’t have to use up part of my weekend

“It will just take a hour, I’ll do it after work and then I won’t have to use up part of my weekend” #thelieswetellourselves
I think the potato harvest is my favorite, it’s digging for buried treasure.

I think the potato harvest is my favorite, it’s digging for buried treasure.
Cursing myself for glueing and screwing the partitions in my RV. When a 30 lbs sledge just bounces off you know you have overbuilt.

Cursing myself for glueing and screwing the partitions in my RV. When a 30 lbs sledge just bounces off you know you have overbuilt.
October 31, 2018 (7:00 pm)

October 31, 2018 (7:00 pm)
@ladyvonslatt harvested the spawn of last years Jack-o-lanterns! ?

@ladyvonslatt harvested the spawn of last years Jack-o-lanterns! ?
DIY Surface Grinder

All painted, blued, and assembled. The scrap steel came from exercise machines and mounts for a staircase chair lift. The slide is aluminum from a telecom rack and a pair of server drawer slides. The “magnetic chuck” is a door magnetic lock and the contact wheel was an eBay