Statistics about Energy & Environment in Worldwide
- Mangrove area net change worldwide 2007-2020
- Population of polar bears and sea ice loss 2021, by region
- Annual flooded area of small island nations due to sea level rise 2020-2150
- Populations exposed to riverine floods in selected cities 2022-2050, by scenario
- Global cost of riverine floods in selected cities 2022-2050, by scenario
- Economic impact on small island nations due to sea level rise 2020-2150
- Megacities - climate change policies by financial mechanism 2013
- Global concerns about climate change by region 2015
- Technology or lifestyle changes to reduce climate change impact 2015
- Global concerns about climate change impacts by region 2015
- Global view on climate change as a major problem by key country 2015
- Largest net change in mangrove habitat extent worldwide of top 5 countries 1996-2020
- Share of global glacial mass loss 2100, by warming scenario
- Increase in mean sea level worldwide 1993-2020, by location
- Global sea level rise contributions 2100, by glacier region
- Opinion of climate change impact timing worldwide by key country 2015
- Global regional temperature change by decade 1910-2019
- Global personal concerns about climate change by key country 2015
- Global GDP at risk due to climate change 2050, by hazard and region
- Global temperature rise from agriculture & land GHG emissions 1851-2021, by country
- Opinions on government efforts in tackling climate change 2023, by country
- Global average sea level rise by temperature 2015
- Global warming awareness by key country 2015
- Key figures on glaciers 2022
- Increase in mean sea surface temperature 1993-2019, by location
- Perceptions of climate change as a threat globally 2021
- Global warming concerns by key country 2018
- Northern Hemisphere's sea ice extent in December 1980-2023
- Belief in country leading in fighting climate change leads world 2021
- Leading sustainability actions taken up by companies globally 2022
- Leading hurdles to sustainability efforts of companies globally 2022
- Public belief in climate change worldwide 2021, by country
- Public attitude towards action on climate change 2021, by generation
- Public voting intention based on candidates climate change position 2021
- Leading climate issues impacting companies globally 2022
- Belief in nations working towards shared goals to solve climate change 2021
- Belief in their country as a leader in fighting climate change 2021
- Global disaster risk index 2023, by region
- Public support for governmental initiatives to solve climate change 2021
- Global cities on climate change impacts 2020, by time period
- Global temperature change 1910-2019, by decade
- Global climate risk index 2019, by select country
- Share of GDP at risk of disruption from nature loss in global cities 2022
- Industry sectors at risk of disruption from nature loss in global cities 2022
- Infrastructure investment outlook for global cities 2030, by infrastructure type
- Infrastructure investment outlook for global cities 2030, by infrastructure type
- Climate change: time needed for an international community agreement
- Share of coral reefs affected by bleaching events worldwide 1980-2024
- Future changes in frequency of decadal heavy precipitation by temperature increase
- Global perception of the severity of local climate change effects 2023, by country
- Worldwide physical exposure to floods by region 1970-2030
- Global deaths from tropical cyclones 1970-2019
- Global extinction risks due to climate change by region 2015
- Global economic losses from tropical cyclones 1980-2023
- Global renewable energy popularity, by selected country
- Global share of heat absorption by geographical region
- Global mean sea level change from historic average 1990-2015
- Global World Bank's climate financing 2016-2025
- Global temperature anomalies in March 1979-2024
- Global multilateral development banks' climate finance 2019
- Expectations about climate change pace worldwide 2021, by country
- Global temperature anomalies in April 1979-2024
- Support for nature-based climate policies 2020, by selected country
- Views on companies climate responsibility in selected countries 2020
- Support for investment in the green economy among G20 countries 2020
- Rate of global mean sea level rise 1920-2015
- Share of CO2 emissions absorbed by land and ocean sinks by 2100, by scenario
- Global temperature anomalies in May 1979-2024
- Urgency of response on climate change 2020, by country group
- Global temperature anomalies in June 1979-2024
- Views on climate change as a global emergency worldwide 2020, by region
- Environmental disclosure score based on sustainability governance
- Minimum Arctic sea ice extent 2007-2024
- Transforming Energy Scenario cumulative investments worldwide 2016-2050
- Global temperature anomalies in July 1979-2024
- Global temperature anomalies in August 1979-2024
- New investment priorities to tackle climate change worldwide 2016-2050
- Global temperature anomalies in September 1979-2024
- Global legal actions for climate change 1990-2019
- Global mean sea level rise 1901-2018
- Projected internal climate migrants globally 2050, by region
- Global warming impact of Samsung's Galaxy S6 2016
- Global temperature anomalies in boreal summer 1979-2024
- Population share of climate migrants globally 2050, by region
- Cooling degree days by regions worldwide 2018-2050
- Northern Hemisphere's season duration 1952-2100
- Global extinction risks due to climate change by group 2015
- Global rise in temperature of warmest month in cities worldwide 2050
- Global companies addressing climate risks 2015
- Global risks of the highest concern for the next 10 years in 2015
- Public opinion on climate change worldwide 2023, by country
- Temperature increase risk worldwide 2022, based on current policies
- G20 green spending share 2020-2021, by sector
- Climate system heating share 1971-2018, by cause
- Global climate-related impacts on GDP by region 2050
- Global opinions on climate change cause by select country 2018
- Global concerns about key environmental issues 2020
- Global companies' acknowledgment of climate risk by sector 2020
- Distribution of months with extreme weather conditions in select countries 1998-2022
- Global company's acknowledgement of climate risks by sector 2017