Statistics about Agriculture in Worldwide
- Global digital agriculture market 2020, by region
- Export share of top food waste exporters 2017
- Value of meat of bovine animals (fresh, chilled, or frozen) imports 2003-2022
- Value of meat of bovine animals (fresh, chilled, or frozen) exports 2003-2022
- Global value of live animal exports 2003-2022
- Live animals: leading exporters worldwide 2022, by country
- Value of live animal imports 2003-2022
- Global agricultural biologicals market share in 2020, by region
- Industry revenue of “Parts and parts for harvesting machines, threshing, etc.“ in Brazil 2012-2025
- Industry revenue of “Watchers or booties“ in Brazil 2012-2025
- Live animals: leading importers worldwide 2022, by country
- People below the extreme poverty line caused by agriculture worldwide 2030, by type
- M2M connections in agriculture in key markets 2015
- Global land footprint of food production 2019, by type
- Total global grassland area projection
- Industry revenue of “Parts and parts of apparatus to design or spray for agricultural use“ in Brazil 2012-2025
- Africa's share in global agricultural imports 2018-2022, by region
- Market share of agricultural machinery manufactures based on sales worldwide 2021
- Industry revenue of “Agricultural machinery for soil preparation, No., including self-propelled“ in Brazil 2012-2025
- Value of other meat, meat offal, fresh, chilled, frozen imports 2003-2022
- Industry revenue of “retail sale of food, beverages and tobacco“ in the United Kingdom 2012-2025
- Industry revenue of “Machines for cleaning, selection, etc., grains“ in Brazil 2012-2025
- Industry revenue of “Machines for balers, spoon, collect and dispose of straw or forage, including self-propelled“ in Brazil 2012-2025
- Industry revenue of “Plows and plows“ in Brazil 2012-2025
- U.S. animal trophy imports 2005-2014, by species
- U.S. animal trophy imports 2005-2014, by country of origin
- Industry revenue of “hunting, trapping and related service activities“ in the United Kingdom 2012-2025
- Increase in agricultural production required to meet world food demand in 2050
- Market value of agricultural tools worldwide 2020-2026
- U.S. African lion trophy imports 2005-2014, by country of origin
- Leading exporters of panela by shipments 2022
- Global blockchain in agriculture and food market in 2020 & 2026, by type
- Industry revenue of “Harvesters, including self-propelled“ in Brazil 2012-2025
- Leading countries worldwide by value of agricultural products imported in 2020
- Industry revenue of “Machines and appliances to design or spray for agricultural use“ in Brazil 2012-2025
- Industry revenue of “Machinery or equipment for agriculture and livestock, n. and“ in Brazil 2012-2025
- Industry revenue of “Milking machines“ in Brazil 2012-2025
- Leading countries worldwide by value of agricultural products exported in 2022
- Industry revenue of “Machines for preparing food or feeding for animals“ in Brazil 2012-2025
- Global annual food price index by category 2000-2024
- Monthly cereals price index 2000-2025
- Africa's share in global agricultural exports 2018-2022, by region
- Industry revenue of “Parts and parts for machines for cleaning, selection, etc., grains“ in Brazil 2012-2025
- Industry revenue of “Installation and assembly services for machinery and equipment for agriculture and livestock“ in Brazil 2012-2025
- Industry revenue of “Machines for cleaning and selecting eggs, fruits or other agricultural products“ in Brazil 2012-2025
- Agricultural robot market 2018, by region
- Global agricultural biologicals market share in 2020, by type
- Annual growth of agricultural robot market 2018-2028, by region
- Global food price index 2000-2025
- Global agricultural biologicals market share in 2020 & 2027, by segment
- Leading exporters of sausage worldwide 2023
- Industry revenue of “Lawnmower“ in Brazil 2012-2025
- Industry revenue of “Parts and parts for sowing, fertilers, plows and other agricultural machinery to prepare the soil“ in Brazil 2012-2025
- PE deals in agri-tech 2017-2022
- Global funding value in agtech 2017-2022
- Industry revenue of “retail sale of food, beverages and tobacco“ in Germany 2012-2025
- Industry revenue of “hunting, trapping and related service activities“ in Germany 2012-2025
- Industry revenue of “Machines or appliances for poultry farming, No.“ in Brazil 2012-2025
- Industry revenue of “Service of production of machinery and equipment for agriculture and livestock“ in Brazil 2012-2025
- Global agricultural biologicals market value 2022-2027
- Leading agricultural producers worldwide in 2022
- Industry revenue of “Harvesting machines, No., including self-propelled“ in Brazil 2012-2025
- Industry revenue of “Parts for machinery and equipment for agriculture, horticulture, forestry, poultry or beekeeping“ in Brazil 2012-2025
- Global hemp sales 2016 to 2020
- Global investment share in agri-food tech companies 2019, by sector
- Industry revenue of “Trailers and self-employed semi-trailers, etc., for agricultural use“ in Brazil 2012-2025
- Agricultural robot market value 2018, by selected regions
- Industry revenue of “Seeders, planters or fertilizers“ in Brazil 2012-2025
- Top agriculture companies worldwide 2022, by market cap
- Global linseed/flax seed production in 2016
- UTZ cocoa worldwide: number of supply chain actors 2013-2017
- Global ginger production 2010-2017
- Global cottonseed meal and oil production 2009-2018
- Global share of table olive production by country 2018/2019
- Global stocks-to-use ratio of cotton 1990-2019
- Leading raspberries producing countries in 2017
- Volume of dry beans produced worldwide 2013-2017, by country
- Volume of field peas produced worldwide 2013-2017, by country
- Volume of lentils produced worldwide 2013-2017
- Volume of field peas produced worldwide 2013-2017
- Global seed treatment market share by region 2013-2023
- Production of dry beans produced worldwide 2013-2017
- Total U.S. raisin production from 2010/11-2018/19
- Certified palm planted area worldwide 2016-2017, by region
- Major tea producers worldwide by value 2016
- Global wheat flour production 2018 & 2024
- UTZ certified cocoa product share sold as UTZ worldwide 2011-2017
- Global quinoa per capita consumption 2018, by leading country
- Major pear producing countries worldwide 2022/2023
- Major grape producing countries worldwide 2022/23
- Major apple producing countries worldwide 2022/23
- Industry revenue of “flour milling and malt manufacturing“ in Texas 2012-2024
- Leading seed and pesticide companies worldwide 2016, based on revenue
- Cocoa consumption worldwide by region 2016
- Volume of lentils produced worldwide 2017, by country
- Global production growth of major crops 2010-2030, by type
- Global hop production value 2016, by country
- Milled rice production volume worldwide 2008/09-2024/25
- Leading rice producers worldwide based on area harvested 2022/2023
- Global sweet potato production 2023, by country