Statistics about Society in CEE
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) deaths per one million population in the CEE region 2023
- Mean age of women at birth of first child in the CEE region 1995-2022
- Live births per woman in the CEE region 2022
- Suspected persons of trafficking in human beings in the CEE region 2022
- Corruption on the rise in CEE region 2021
- Frequency of offline victimization among children in the CEE region 2017-2019
- Share of people reporting crime, violence, or vandalism in the CEE region 2023
- Victims of trafficking in human beings in the CEE region 2022
- Opinion on trouble with Central & Eastern European migrant workers Netherlands 2019
- Opinion on integration of Central & Eastern European migrant workers Netherlands 2019
- Under-five child mortality rate in CEE/CIS countries, 1970 to 2010
- Share of women employed in science and technology in the CEE region 2023
- Pornstars per million inhabitants in the CEE region 2019
- Share of companies with and anti-sexual harassment policy in the CEE region 2020
- Distribution of female employees in the CEE region 2020, by company level
- School lockdown caused by COVID-19 pandemic outbreak in the CEE region 2021
- ESI results in the CEE region in 2022
- PISA results in the CEE region in 2022, by category
- Parents' expenses on school supplies in CEE region 2021
- ESI results in Poland 2020-2022
- English language proficiency index in CEE and the CIS 2023, by country
- CEE countries' ranking in data science skills worldwide 2020
- CEE countries' ranking in technology skills worldwide 2020
- CEE countries' ranking in business skills worldwide 2020
- Share of population with tertiary education in CEE 2022, by country and age
- Types of fraud affecting companies in the CEE region 2017
- Card fraud channel in Central & Eastern Europe in 2013, by country and type
- Mortality rates in urban Russia during the Second World War 1941, by age and gender
- Length of railroad in Europe by region 1913
- Public opinion on the Soviet Union conquest of the CEE countries during WWII 2020
- Male mortality rates in urban unoccupied areas of Russia during WWII 1941-1944 by age
- Gender ratios in select Axis countries after the Second World War 1950, by age
- Number of phone lines per 1,000 inhabitants in regions of Europe 1920-1949
- Population growth in Eastern Europe per country 1950-1970
- Growth in European countries' GDP per capita 1897-1913
- Number of independent countries in Europe each year 1900-2022
- Length of railroad in Europe per 1,000 people 1913, by region
- Gender ratios in select Allied countries after the Second World War 1950, by age
- Area per kilometer of railroad in Europe by region 1913
- Output of electrical energy in Europe 1925-1975
- GDP growth per country in Eastern Europe 1950-1969
- Productivity in South and East Europe as a share of U.S. rate 1950-1999, by country
- Nuclear energy as a share of energy used in select European countries 1998
- Urbanization rates in various countries or regions of Europe 1800
- Gender ratios in select countries after the Second World War 1950
- GDP per capita in select years and regions of Europe compared to the west 1950-1998
- Change in GDP per capita in regions of Europe as a share of 1900's rate 1870-1950
- Number of cars per 1,000 inhabitants in regions of Europe 1914-1949
- Average annual GDP per capita growth rate in Europe 1950-1995, by region
- GDP per capita in Eastern Bloc countries as a share of the EU's rate 1950-2000
- GDP per capita in select years and regions of Europe 1950-1998
- Number of Jewish deaths in the Holocaust 1933-1945 by location
- Mortality rates in urban areas of Russia during the Second World War 1941-1944 by age
- Population of Germany and its allied or occupied areas during World War II in 1941
- Population of the Soviet Union and Russia 1940-1955
- Employment growth per country in Eastern Europe 1950-1969
- Labor productivity in select regions of Europe 1950-1992
- Average annual real GDP per capita growth in Europe by region and period 1950-1998
- Migration from Eastern Europe to the US 1820-1957
- GDP per capita change in European regions in select years 1973-2000
- Poverty rate in the Eastern Bloc 1987-1995
- Growth in output per employed person in Eastern Europe 1950-1969
- Share of Ukrainian refugees employed in Europe 2023
- Share of people who emigrated from selected CEE countries 2019
- Number of border crossings from war-stricken Ukraine in CEE 2022-2024, by country
- International migrant stock in CEE 2020, by country
- Net migration in CEE 2022, by country
- Share of migrants with tertiary education in CEE 2023, by country
- Average age of young people leaving the parental household in the CEE region 2023
- Population of CEE in 2023 by country
- Population of CEE and Central Asia 2023, by country
- Population growth in CEE 2022, by country
- Median age of the population in CEE 2022-2100, by country
- Forecast of the population in CEE region 2100, by country
- People at risk of poverty or social exclusion in the CEE region 2015-2022
- Number of car thefts per 100 thousand inhabitants in the CEE region 2018-2022
- Gross expenditure on R&D in CEE 2021-2022, by country
- R&D spend as a share of GDP in CEE 2021-2022, by country
- Overall financial situation satisfaction in the CEE region 2013-2018, by country
- Share of population not having indoor toilet for the sole use in the CEE region 2023
- CEE: freedom of expression score 2021-2023, by country
- Overall life satisfaction in the CEE region 2013-2023, by country
- Overall personal relationship satisfaction in the CEE region 2013-2018, by country