Statistics about Chemicals & Resources in APAC
- Advanced herbicides industry market value in Asia-Pacific 2021-2031
- Asia-Pacific market value of sulfur fungicides 2020-2030, by type
- Asia-Pacific market value of sulfur fungicides 2020-2030, by country
- Liquid fertilizer industry market value in Asia-Pacific 2021-2031
- Tin mines production APAC 2021, by country
- Zinc mines production APAC 2021, by country
- Aluminum imports APAC 2021, by country
- Titanium production APAC 2021, by country
- Lead imports APAC 2020, by country
- Aluminum exports APAC 2020 by country or region
- Alumina production APAC 2021, by country
- Gold mines production APAC 2021, by country
- Copper mines production APAC 2021, by country
- Stainless steel slab production APAC 2021, by country
- Silver mines production APAC 2021, by country
- Biofuel production in Asia Pacific 2000-2023
- Electricity generation from biofuels APAC 2013-2022
- Asia-Pacific's biofuels market value 2021-2030
- Asia-Pacific market value bio-based polyethylene 2020-2022, by country
- Bio-based polyethylene market size APAC 2022, by country
- Asian-Pacific market value of bio-based polyethylene 2020-2030, by end use
- Bio-based polyethylene market size APAC 2022, by application
- Bio-based polyethylene market size APAC 2020-2030
- Distribution of BASF sales APAC 2022, by market
- Market volume of ingredients for food coloring APAC 2020-2028
- Largest chemical distribution companies in Asia-Pacific 2023, by revenue
- Linde plc - APAC segment sales 2017-2023
- Global market share in CO2 use industries APAC 2023
- Market volume of natural ingredients in food coloring APAC 2020-2028
- Market size of ingredients for food coloring APAC 2020-2028, by product type
- Market volume of synthetic ingredients in food coloring APAC 2020-2028
- Specialty chemical market value Asia-Pacific 2012-2017
- Export value of man-made staple fibers from Turkey to APAC Jan 2021-May 2023
- Distribution of BASF sales APAC 2022, by segment
- Fine chemicals industry market value in Asia-Pacific 2021-2031
- Chemical production growth in the Asia-Pacific region 2023-2025
- Market value of specialty chemicals industry in Asia-Pacific 2021-2031
- Global sales share of chemical industry in Asia 2009-2022
- Construction chemicals industry market value in Asia-Pacific 2021-2031
- Material footprint per capita APAC 2017, by country
- Proved coal reserves in Asia Pacific by type 2011-2020
- Asia Pacific: coal consumption1990-2035
- Coal rents as a share of GDP APAC 2018, by country
- Coal consumption APAC 2014-2023
- Coal production in Asia Pacific 1998-2023
- Coating market distribution APAC 2018 by segment
- Paints and coatings industry market value in Asia-Pacific 2021-2031
- Oil production in the Asia Pacific region 1998-2023
- Offshore rig count in Southeast Asia by contract type 2021-2025
- Oil & gas storage market size in Asia Pacific 2018-2026, by product type
- Industrial gas market value in the Asia-Pacific region 2020-2030
- Market value of carbon black industry in Asia-Pacific 2021-2031
- Upcoming hydrogen production projects APAC 2033, by country
- Lubricant consumption forecast within ASEAN 2020, by country
- Asia Pacific's bio-lubricants market value 2021-2031
- Lubricant consumption within ASEAN 2015, by country
- Asia-Pacific: fluids and lubricants market value 2021-2031
- Base oil market value in Asia Pacific 2018-2032
- Leading types of fluids and lubricants for EV APAC 2022-2031
- Distribution of lubricant demand within ASEAN 2015, by type
- Lubricants and fuel additives market value APAC 2021-2031
- Asia Pacific lubricant demand per capita 2016-2019
- Asia-Pacific market value of refrigerant products 2020-2030, by country
- Asia-Pacific market value of refrigerant products 2020-2030, by product type
- Bauxite production APAC 2021, by country
- Iron ore exports APAC 2021, by country
- Iron ore production APAC 2021, by country
- Iron ore imports APAC 20201, by country
- Share of global mineral production APAC 2023, by select mineral
- Silicon production APAC 2023, by selected country
- Crude steel production in APAC 2017, by country
- Largest mining M&A transactions APAC 2023-2024
- Apparent steel consumption in APAC 2017, by country
- Asia Pacific: natural gas consumption 1990-2035
- Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances market value in Asia-Pacific 2021-2028
- Graphene market value in Asia-Pacific 2021-2031
- Asia Pacific luxury packaging market value 2018-2025
- Offshore production facilities in Asia-Pacific
- Historical renewable energy consumption APAC 1980-2023
- Fuel additives market volume in Asia Pacific 2017-2025, by type
- Fixed offshore production facilities in Asia-Pacific
- Single-use plastic bulk packaging import volume APAC 2019, by country
- Market value of packaging material Asia-Pacific 2020-2030, by material type
- Foodstuff packaging as a share of plastic packaging waste SEA 2018, by country
- Market value of packaging material in Asia-Pacific 2020-2030, by country
- Single-use plastic finished goods import volume APAC 2019, by country
- Foodstuff plastic packaging waste volume per person SEA 2018, by country
- Single-use plastic bulk packaging export volume APAC 2019, by country
- Single-use plastic finished goods export volume APAC 2019, by country
- Market value of pharmaceutical plastic bottles in Asia-Pacific 2020-2030 by material
- Market value of pharmaceutical plastic bottles in Asia-Pacific 2020-2030, by country
- Microplastics volume released into waterways APAC 2024, by country
- Polymer production volume APAC 2019, by country
- Single-use plastic waste volume per capita APAC 2019, by country
- Blow molding plastic market size in Asia-Pacific 2018-2027, by country
- Leading single-use plastic producers APAC 2021, by volume
- Perceived importance of recycling Asia 2021, by country
- Public support for reducing plastic production globally APAC 2023, by country
- Single-use plastic waste volume generated APAC 2019, by country
- Polymer import volume APAC 2019, by country