Statistics about Economy & Politics in Africa
- Death rate in Botswana 2022
- Unemployment rate in Botswana 2023
- Botswana: Share in global GDP adjusted for PPP 2029
- Export of goods from Botswana 2023
- Trade balance of goods of Botswana 2023
- Import of goods to Botswana 2023
- Median age of the population in Botswana 2020
- National debt of Botswana in relation to gross domestic product (GDP) 2029
- Ratio of government expenditure to gross domestic product (GDP) in Botswana 2029
- Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in Botswana 2029
- Gross domestic product (GDP) in Botswana 2029
- Gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate in Botswana 2029
- Total population of Botswana 2029
- Distribution of gross domestic product (GDP) across economic sectors Botswana 2023
- Age structure in Botswana 2013-2023
- Urbanization in Botswana 2023
- Botswana's budget balance in relation to GDP 2029
- Population growth in Botswana 2013-2023
- National debt of Botswana 2029
- Life expectancy at birth in Botswana 2022
- Largest cities in Botswana in 2022
- Fertility rate in Botswana in 2022
- Burundi's budget balance in relation to GDP 2029
- Gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate in Burundi 2029
- Urbanization in Burundi 2023
- Most important export partner countries for Burundi in 2022
- Trade balance of goods of Burundi 2023
- Burundi: Share in global GDP adjusted for PPP 2029
- Share of economic sectors in the GDP in Burundi 2023
- Gross domestic product (GDP) in Burundi 2029
- Ratio of government expenditure to gross domestic product (GDP) in Burundi 2029
- Import of goods to Burundi 2023
- National debt of Burundi in relation to gross domestic product (GDP) 2029
- Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in Burundi 2029
- Inflation rate in Burundi 2029
- Death rate in Burundi 2022
- Total population of Burundi 2029
- Export of goods to Burundi 2023
- Most important import partners of Burundi 2022
- Life expectancy at birth in Burundi 2022
- Largest cities in Burundi in 2008
- Age structure in Burundi 2023
- Population growth in Burundi 2023
- National debt of Burundi 2029
- Fertility rate in Burundi 2022
- Nascent entrepreneurship rate in the Middle East & North Africa in 2013, by country
- Time needed to register property in Sub-Saharan Africa 2019, by country
- Early-stage funding into e-commerce technology companies in Africa 2019-2021
- Technology companies funding in North Africa 2021, by sector
- Number of oil and gas M&A deals in Africa 2015-2020
- Startup co-working spaces in Africa 2020, by country
- Share of main constraints preventing intra-African trade 2022
- Cost of documentary compliance for exports in Sub-Saharan Africa by country 2019
- Number of tech startups that raised funding in Africa 2015-2023
- Share of companies in Africa 2022, by sector
- Ease of doing business in São Tomé and Príncipe 2019, by topic
- Ease of doing business in Guinea-Bissau 2020, by topic
- Value of oil and gas M&A deals in Africa 2015-2020
- Start-up founders in West Africa 2010-2019, by country of origin
- Total tax and contribution rate in Sub-Saharan Africa 2019, by country
- Firms with women top manager in Africa 2020, by country
- Number of tax payments per year in Sub-Saharan Africa 2019, by country
- Main challenges faced by companies during COVID-19 in Africa 2021
- Main challenges for companies in goods sector during COVID-19 in Africa 2021
- Established business ownership rate in Middle East & North Africa in 2013, by country
- Main challenges for companies in service sector during COVID-19 in Africa 2021
- Businesses accelerating digital transition due to COVID-19 in Africa 2021
- Time needed for export border compliance in Sub-Saharan Africa by country 2019
- Ease of doing business in Comoros 2020, by topic
- Number of start-up investors in West Africa 2010-2019, by country
- Cost of registering property in Sub-Saharan Africa 2019, by country
- Days needed to establish a business in North Africa 2020, by country
- Gender distribution of early-stage entrepreneurs in Middle East & Africa 2013
- Days needed to resolve a commercial dispute in North Africa 2020, by country
- Enforcing contracts score in North Africa 2020, by country
- Cost for export border compliance in Sub-Saharan Africa by country 2019
- Distribution of funding raised by start-ups in West Africa 2010-2019
- Value of pre-series A funding deals in Africa 2021, by startup
- Start-up founders in West Africa 2010-2019, by postgraduate institution
- Number of startup accelerators in Africa and Southeast Asia 2021
- Share of CEOs confident that AfCFTA initiatives will boost intra-African trade 2022
- Main companies in Africa 2023, by market value
- Employment capacity retention due to COVID-19 in Africa 2021
- E-commerce obstacles faced in Southern Africa 2020
- Number of startup acquisitions in Africa 2021-2022
- Value of early-stage startup funding deals in Africa 2021, by country
- Value of seed funding deals in Africa 2021, by startup
- Value of startup grants received in Africa 2021, by startup
- Value of pre-seed funding deals in Africa 2021, by startup
- Value of early-stage angel investments in startups in Africa 2021, by startup
- Number of early-stage venture investors in Africa and Southeast Asia 2021
- Value of startup funding deals in healthtech sector in Africa 2019-2021
- Funding raised by Pepkor 2004-2018, by round
- Value of selected startup acquisitions in Africa 2020
- New business density in Africa 2020, by country
- Time required to obtain electricity in Africa 2020, by country
- Chinese FDI stock to financial intermediation sector in Africa 2020
- Value of venture round funding deals in Africa 2021, by startup
- Leading cities for startups in Africa 2023, by total score
- Top countries for startups in Africa 2023, by total score