South America: tobacco product revenue share 2019 and 2022, by segment

Revenue share of tobacco products in South America in 2019 and 2022, by segment

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Supplementary notes

The market for Tobacco Products is constituted here by (filtered) Cigarettes, Smoking Tobacco (fine-cut tobacco, pipe tobacco), Cigars and cigarillos, and E-Cigarettes. Snuff, chewing tobacco and heat-not-burn products are not included at the moment nor are untaxed tobacco products. All prices and market value statements include all relevant sales and consumption taxes.
To enable a better comparison between Cigarettes and Cigars and loose tobacco in terms of per capita consumption and price per unit, the latter's volume is denoted in 1.000 kgs (total consumption) and grams (per capita consumption, price per unit). Due to a growing health consciousness of consumers and increased regulation (such as through advertising bans in Europe) the use of tobacco in Europe has been decreasing in recent years and volume growth has almost exclusively been realized in emerging markets. The five most important producers worldwide are the China National Tobacco Corporation, Philip Morris International (PMI), British American Tobacco (BAT), Japan Tobacco International (JTI) and Imperial Tobacco.

All figures are estimates. A detailed methodology can be found in the Statista Consumer Market Outlook.

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