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The title of this article is conjectural.

Although this article is based on canonical information, the actual name of this subject is pure conjecture.

"Yeah, I can take that job. Fly you there, no problem. I mean… I'm Luke Skywalker."
―The impostor, to tavern patrons[2]

A human male impostor of the Rebel Alliance operative Luke Skywalker lived in the galaxy during the Imperial Era.[2] In 3 ABY,[1] he boasted in a cantina about his alleged exploits of destroying the Death Star, hoping he could fool bar patrons and be hired as a pilot. He said to ask his astromech droid Ardee if they didn't believe him, since she was there with him handling the targeting computer. Soon after, however, the Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Vader Force choked the man killing him. Darth Vader spared the other customers of the cantina because he wished them to witness that "claiming the name of Luke Skywalker also claims his crimes against the Empire".[2]

The impostor had fair skin and blond hair,[2] which he had grown to match Skywalker's.[3] He wore dark glasses to hide his cybernetic left eye[2] and even adopted an astromech droid partner to make easy money.[3] The man was a swaggering trickster, but when the Sith Lord Darth Vader confronted him, he apologized and tried to excuse himself, but the Sith Lord killed him anyway.[2]

Behind the scenes[]

The Luke Skywalker impostor appeared in the comic Star Wars (2020) 5, published by Marvel Comics[2] on August 5, 2020.[4] The comic was written by Charles Soule and illustrated by Jesús Saiz, Arif Prianto, and Dan Brown.[2]



Notes and references[]
