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"I have a reputation in Niima Outpost for being willing to use my staff, which keeps most of the riffraff from bothering me."

The scavenger Rey owned a quarterstaff which she salvaged from the wreckage that littered the desert wastes following the Battle of Jakku. She used it for much of her life as a tool of scavenging and also for defense. These skills later proved useful when she used a lightsaber against Kylo Ren during the Battle of Starkiller Base.[1]

Eventually, Rey disassembled the staff, using various parts from it to create her own lightsaber.[4]


The quarterstaff had a sling allowing Rey to sling the staff over her shoulder while she was climbing or clip it securely to her speeder. A handhold made from scraps of an old uniform gave it a secure and comfortable grip.[2]


Rey used her quarterstaff for a variety of purposes. It served as a trusty walking stick, ideal for testing the sands of Jakku for instability and for searching for things buried beneath. It also could be used as a weapon against bandits and thugs,[2] such as Teedo.[5]

The skills Rey gained while using her quarterstaff later helped her wield a lightsaber.[1] However, she was so effective with the staff that she continued to use it after acquiring the legendary Skywalker saber.[2]

After the defeat of the First Order during the Battle of Exegol, Rey disassembled the staff, using various parts from it to create her own lightsaber.[4]

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Behind the scenes[]

Rey's staff first appeared in the 2015 film Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens, the first installment of the Star Wars sequel trilogy.[5]

The prop was originally larger, but it was scanned by the model makers and then 3D-printed at its new size for use in the film.[8]


Non-canon appearances[]


Notes and references[]
