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(Preusmjereno sa stranice Imunostimulant)

Imunostimulanti, imunostimulatori, su supstance (lekovi i hranljive materije) koje stimulišu imunski sistem podsticanjem (stimulacijom) ili povećanjem aktivnosti bilo koje komponente imunog sistema. Jedan značajan primer je GM-CSF (stimulišući faktor kolonija granulocit makrofaga).[1]


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Postoje dve glavne kategorije imunostimulanata:

Deoksiholna kiselina

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Neke publikacije upućuju na imunostimulantni efekat deoksiholne kiseline (DCA).[8][9][10] DCA dejstvuje na nespecifični imunski sistem, aktivirajući njegov glavni ćelijski tip, makrofage. Prema ovim publikacijama, dovoljna količina deoksiholne kiseline u ljudskom telu bi bila poput snažne imune reakcije nespecifičnog imunog sistema.

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Endogeni imunostimulanti

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Sintetički imunostimulanti

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Biljni imunostimulanti

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  1. Thomas J. Kindt, Richard A. Goldsby, Barbara Anne Osborne, Janis Kuby (2006). Kuby Immunology (6 izd.). New York: W H Freeman and company. ISBN 1-4292-0211-4. 
  2. Mattner F, Fleitmann JF, Lingnau K, Schmidt W, Egyed A, Fritz J, Zauner W, Wittmann B, Gorny I, Berger M, Kirlappos H, Otava A, Birnstiel ML, Buschle M (2002). „Vaccination with Poly-L-Arginine As Immunostimulant for Peptide Vaccines: Induction of Potent and Long-Lasting T-Cell Responses against Cancer Antigens”. Cancer Research 62: 1477-1480. 
  3. Cullen CM, Jameson SC, DeLay M, Cottrell C, Becken ET, Choi E, Hirsch R (1999). „A divalent major histocompatibility complex/IgG1 fusion protein induces antigen-specific T cell activation in vitro and in vivo”. Cell Immunol 192 (1): 54-62. PMID 10066347. 
  4. Wira, CR; Crane-Godreau M, Grant K (2004). „Endocrine regulation of the mucosal immune system in the female reproductive tract”. u: In: Ogra PL, Mestecky J, Lamm ME, Strober W, McGhee JR, Bienenstock J (eds.). Mucosal Immunology. San Francisco: Elsevier. ISBN 0124915434. 
  5. Lang, TJ (2004). „Estrogen as an immunomodulator”. Clin Immunol 113: 224–230. DOI:10.1016/j.clim.2004.05.011. PMID 15507385. 
    Moriyama, A; Shimoya K, Ogata I et al. (1999). „Secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor (SLPI) concentrations in cervical mucus of women with normal menstrual cycle”. Molecular Human Reproduction 5: 656–661. DOI:10.1093/molehr/5.7.656. PMID 10381821. 
    Cutolo, M; Sulli A, Capellino S, Villaggio B, Montagna P, Seriolo B, Straub RH (2004). „Sex hormones influence on the immune system: basic and clinical aspects in autoimmunity”. Lupus 13: 635–638. DOI:10.1191/0961203304lu1094oa. PMID 15485092. 
    King, AE; Critchley HOD, Kelly RW (2000). „Presence of secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor in human endometrium and first trimester decidua suggests an antibacterial role”. Molecular Human Reproduction 6: 191–196. DOI:10.1093/molehr/6.2.191. PMID 10655462. 
  6. Dorshkind, K; Horseman ND (2000). „The Roles of Prolactin, Growth Hormone, Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I, and Thyroid Hormones in Lymphocyte Development and Function: Insights from Genetic Models of Hormones and Hormone Receptor Deficiency”. Endocrine Reviews 21: 292–312. DOI:10.1210/er.21.3.292. PMID 10857555. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2010-07-31. Pristupljeno 2010-10-17. 
  7. Nagpal, Sunil; Songqing Naand and Radhakrishnan Rathnachalam (2005). „Noncalcemic Actions of Vitamin D Receptor Ligands”. Endocrine Reviews 26 (5): 662–687. DOI:10.1210/er.2004-0002. PMID 15798098. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2009-02-19. Pristupljeno 2010-10-17. .
  8. Vlček B., Reif A., Seidlova B.: Evidence of the participation of deoxycholate in cancer immunity, Z.Naturforsch. 26 b, 419-424 (1971)
  9. Vlček B.: Potentiation of the immune response with DCA (czech), Prakt.Lekar 52, 326-330 (1972)
  10. Chyle M., Chyle P.: Regulation of the immune response with DCA (czech, engl. summary), Sbornik lek. 84, 212-218 (1982)
  11. Djeraba A, Quere P (2000). „In vivo macrophage activation in chickens with Acemannan, a complex carbohydrate extracted from Aloe vera”. Int J Immunopharmacol 22 (5): 365-72. 
  12. Soltanian S, Stuyven E, Cox E, Sorgeloos P, Bossier P (2009). „Beta-glucans as immunostimulant in vertebrates and invertebrates”. Critical Reviews in Microbiology 35 (2): 109-138. DOI:10.1080/10408410902753746. [mrtav link]

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