« UTGの第2回ドミニオン会へ行ってきた | ホーム | 行商人の安くなる効果には持続しているカードも含める »










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    • いやいや、どうせ誰か出すだろ
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      • 庭園なら?対策になるし拷問人に一人も行かなくても無視できない
  • 村系か玉座出して乗っかるのも手よな
    • 拷問人ロックは比較的得意ですよ
    • でも手番分辛いなー。先行して2人に打たれるとデッキ育てらんない
      • 序盤にうっかり5金出なかったときが怖いね
  • 公爵はどうよ
    • 強いけど露骨かな
    • 拷問人場になって5金出せなくなると死ぬ
    • サポートカードどうすんべ
      • 理想は鉄工所だけど警戒されそう
      • 中庭でもいいらしいけど速度わかんないや
      • 役人とか工房ならそこまで警戒させずに済むかな
        • ちょっと弱いし秘密の部屋欲しい。誰か手伝ってくれませんか







中庭 拷問人 庭園 書庫 役人 公爵 寵臣 漁村 地下貯蔵庫 秘密の部屋




ルネさんは漁村。中庭に行くかと思ったけど様子見かな。少なくとも庭園 or 公爵は無さそう。


オレのターンッ 3金です。どうしよう。色々出来そうな場だけど、たぶん相互の戦略の兼ね合いで路線はある程度決まってると思う。


  1. 属州2人、公爵2人
  2. 属州1人、公爵2人、庭園1人
  3. 拷問人ロックn人、庭園n人、書庫n人




ということで考えるべきは中庭を主軸にした属州買いか、役人と秘密の部屋を使った公爵 or 庭園かの2択(公爵と庭園は役人取った後に路線変更できるのでこの場では決めないでいい)。









ともあれ、属州狙いが1人。役人から公爵 or 庭園に走る構えを見せたのが3人。うっかり3人公爵とかに行って自滅したら嫌だなあ。








  • 得点リードはたぶんルネさん
  • しんざきさんは色々買ってるので正直読めない
  • ちょっと長引けば公爵の得点効率的にぼくが勝てそう
  • ただしピットさんのデッキが30枚行ったら大外から捲られそう



しんざきさんが公領。ぼくが公爵。(公領切れるなー公領切れるなー)ピットさんが公領を購入 。ぎゃー。














  • 公領獲得枚数忘れるのはうっかりすぎる。結果的には公領6:公爵2と、理想的な配分になりましたが、3山切れが予想される場で公領6→公爵2という取り方はありえなかった。
  • 最終ターン直前の地下貯蔵庫買い。一応シャッフル前という理由はあるものの、ちょっと終了ターン数の見積りが甘かった気がする。あそこはやはり屋敷買い。





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UTGの第2回ドミニオン会へ行ってきた(決勝編) - retlet.net 続きを読む

UTGの第2回ドミニオン会へ行ってきた(決勝編) - retlet.net 続きを読む

UTGの第2回ドミニオン会へ行ってきた(決勝編) - retlet.net 続きを読む

UTGの第2回ドミニオン会へ行ってきた(決勝編) - retlet.net 続きを読む

UTGの第2回ドミニオン会へ行ってきた(決勝編) - retlet.net 続きを読む

ショルダーバッグ - ショルダーバッグ (2014年2月28日 05:12)

UTGの第2回ドミニオン会へ行ってきた(決勝編) - retlet.net 続きを読む

バーバリー クラッシュ - バーバリー クラッシュ (2014年3月 2日 07:45)

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コーチ ショルダーバッグ - コーチ ショルダーバッグ (2014年3月 8日 10:36)

UTGの第2回ドミニオン会へ行ってきた(決勝編) - retlet.net 続きを読む

LOUIS VUITTON アクセサリー - LOUIS VUITTON アクセサリー (2014年3月12日 11:38)

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Remember also that these discounted UGGs don’t just belong under one name brand alone. Because of the demand, new UGGs will most likely be sold in their appropriate price. Look into several pairs before you place a bid. This is the perfect time for sellers to auction off their pairs because frustrated UGG enthusiasts would definitely turn to auction sites if they can’t find what they want on regular sites. Different sellers may have different prices that may be more of a bargain for you. The terrible thing is that inexperienced shoppers easily get duped because fakes are so cleverly made that they can’t be told apart from real UGGs. If you are already a fairly experienced auction participant and UGG expert, you may want to buy from an auction site.

Different sellers may have different prices that may be more of a bargain for you. Some would know that UGGs aren’t the cheapest footwear in town. This is the perfect time for sellers to auction off their pairs because frustrated UGG enthusiasts would definitely turn to auction sites if they can’t find what they want on regular sites. Prices for discounted UGGs in auctions may still be higher than normal because of the season but they should definitely fall below new UGG prices because they have already been used. If you haven’t tried online auction and want to purchase a pair of UGGs, it’s best if you do a little research first.Unfortunately at this time of the year, there are hardly anymore brand new UGGs with a discount.

 UGG classic boots are concerning the marketplace using the quantity of extraordinary variations and colors and there are no design suggestions in ailments of placing on these boots. Liked this article? Click here to publish it on your website or blog, it's free and easy!. All people Uggs positively make your outfit; they should bear the brunt belonging toward option without any doubt. An UGG classic bootsis certainly an Australian sheepskin boot that is not just a great provide to begin looking at, but in ailments of comfort, the Ugg boots consists of the sort fitted really feel and attributed using the path within of the softness through the sheepskin it is so cozy it may acquire experienced to believe.

Liked this article? Click here to publish it on your website or blog, it's free and easy!. Sellers have to additionally pay for some fees so new UGGs in auctions should logically sell higher. Other brands will therefore be selling UGGs. Real UGGs are sold for a steep price. This is because auction sites are never free from bad merchants who will try to trick you into buying fake UGGs. Remember also that these discounted UGGs don’t just belong under one name brand alone.

Go online and take note of all the feature details that distinguish real UGGs from fake ones. Different sellers may have different prices that may be more of a bargain for you. Some would know that UGGs aren’t the cheapest footwear in town. Because of the demand, new UGGs will most likely be sold in their appropriate price. Claims like these are almost always a definite sign that what is being sold is a fake item. Fakes however don’t provide the same degree of comfort as real UGGs.

Center not as terrific as action, purchase a pair of UGG conventional Tall boots quickly[removed][removed][removed][removed]  For individuals that do not know what Ugg means, the phrase Ugg is certainly an Australian slag phrase for ugly. That is merely because a genuine Ugg boot is founded from splendid brilliant Australian Merino sheepskin.   Start increasing your traffic today just by submitting articles with us, click here to get started.

If you are already a fairly experienced auction participant and UGG expert, you may want to buy from an auction site. Look into several pairs before you place a bid. UGGs are also traditional Australian footwear. Otherwise, sellers will not be able to earn their investment back. Prices for discounted UGGs in auctions may still be higher than normal because of the season but they should definitely fall below new UGG prices because they have already been used. This is the perfect time for sellers to auction off their pairs because frustrated UGG enthusiasts would definitely turn to auction sites if they can’t find what they want on regular sites.

If you haven’t tried online auction and want to purchase a pair of UGGs, it’s best if you do a little research first.Unfortunately at this time of the year, there are hardly anymore brand new UGGs with a discount. You might want to consider looking for some of these brands that may cost less than more popular ones. You may want to steer clear from online merchants who offers brand new pairs at cheap prices. Start increasing your traffic today just by submitting articles with us, click here to get started. The terrible thing is that inexperienced shoppers easily get duped because fakes are so cleverly made that they can’t be told apart from real UGGs. If so, then what are those they sell online? Many pair of UGGs that are being sold in auction sites may be second hand.

 When your dealing acquiring a genuine Ugg boot you will locate that subsequent you positioned on it inside the winter your ft are warm, and inside the summer time your ft are cool.Anybody, by implies in the youthful toward old, can consider fulfillment in an extremely pair of UGG boots jointly with other computer software programs which consist of UGG sandals, UGG slippers, and UGG skimmers and so on, have revolutionized the design world and so are astonishingly considerably selected all an ideal offer a complete whole lot more when in comparison with world.

Fakes however don’t provide the same degree of comfort as real UGGs. UGGs are also traditional Australian footwear. Go online and take note of all the feature details that distinguish real UGGs from fake ones.Unfortunately at this time of the year, there are hardly anymore brand new UGGs with a discount. Some would know that UGGs aren’t the cheapest footwear in town. You might want to consider looking for some of these brands that may cost less than more popular ones. You may want to steer clear from online merchants who offers brand new pairs at cheap prices.

Prices for discounted UGGs in auctions may still be higher than normal because of the season but they should definitely fall below new UGG prices because they have already been used. If you haven’t tried online auction and want to purchase a pair of UGGs, it’s best if you do a little research first. If so, then what are those they sell online? Many pair of UGGs that are being sold in auction sites may be second hand. Otherwise, sellers will not be able to earn their investment back.

Sellers have to additionally pay for some fees so new UGGs in auctions should logically sell higher. Other brands will therefore be selling UGGs. During the buying season, you should expect to pay more than a hundred dollars for a pair of new UGGs. This is because auction sites are never free from bad merchants who will try to trick you into buying fake UGGs. Real UGGs are sold for a steep price. Claims like these are almost always a definite sign that what is being sold is a fake item.

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