Sustainability Initiatives Research Collaboration

SIRC connects Olin students and faculty to sponsoring partners who need thoughtful, innovative solutions for sustainability related projects.

Over the course of a semester, student teams research, design, test, implement and deliver solutions. Sponsor liaisons engage with students through progress meetings, feedback sessions, and facility tours.

SIRC sponsors have a direct connection to talented Olin engineers who are passionate about sustainability.

Solve Your Sustainability Challenge

Contact our Associate Director for Partner Development for a conversation about your project.

Students in the classroom

It would be really great for more classes to have this style of partnership.

It felt good to work with a company that was genuinely trying to make the world more sustainable.”

Olin student ’23

Provide a challenge

Bring us your sustainability challenge, engage with students and faculty, and offer feedback during the project progress. Good fit projects provide challenges that require research, development, implementation, or testing to explore a solution space. SIRC is designed to support a wide range of project types and durations, accommodating your specific needs.

Engineer solutions

Olin engineers approach problem solving through a transdisciplinary, human- and planet-centered processes. Students trained in mechanical, electrical and other engineering domains work in teams to research, design, test, implement and ultimately deliver one or more solutions to the sponsor.

Identify talent

Sponsors will have 12-20 engineering students, primarily sophomores and juniors, working collaboratively to develop solutions to your challenge. You will work with students who are passionate about sustainability, and you will meet them earlier in their undergraduate careers.

Develop the next generation of engineers

Olin is committed to engineering a more sustainable world. SIRC provides practical learning experiences for students while presenting them with opportunities to positively impact the environment and society.

Jean Huang teaching students in a lab. All of them gathered around her wearing white lab coats.

Students were highly motivated by the authentic challenge and the potential impact of their research work.”

Jean Huang

Associate Professor of Biology