Carmichael numbers divisible by 11.
561, 41041, 75361, 101101, 656601, 658801, 852841, 2100901, 2704801, 4903921, 6049681, 6313681, 8341201, 9890881, 10837321, 10877581, 11205601, 18162001, 26932081, 27062101, 29020321, 33302401, 37167361, 37280881, 40430401, 43286881, 67994641, 72108421, 76595761, 77826001, 88689601, 93614521, 100427041, 104404861, 105869401
Conjecture: Any Carmichael number C divisible by 11 and not divisible by 3 can be written in one of the following four forms: C = 990k+11; C = 990k+11^2; C = 990k+11*41 or C = 990k+11*71, where k is a natural number.
In other words, C mod 990 can be, for C divisible by 11 and not divisible by 3, just 11; 11^2; 11*41 or 11*71.
For comparison, we issue the following related conjectures:
(1) Any Carmichael number C of the form 10n+1 divisible by 7 and not divisible by 3 and 5 can be written in one of the following three forms: C = 630k+7*13; C = 630k+7*43; C = 7*73.
(2) Any Carmichael number C of the form 10n+3, 10n+7 or 10n+9 divisible by 7 and not divisible by 3 and 5 can be written as C = 630k+7^3, C = 630k+7*31 or C = 630k+7*67.
(3) Any Carmichael number C divisible same time with 7 and 11 can be written as C = 7*11*90*k + 7*11*n, where n can be 23, 53 or 83.
Note: there exist Carmichael numbers that can be written as C = p*(90k+1) for every p prime divisor of C.
C = 197531244744661; C mod 90*1531 = 1531; C mod 90*3061 = 3061; C mod 90*4591 = 4591; C mod 90*9181 = 9181.
The first counterexample to the conjecture is 6049681 which is 781 mod 990. 341 and 671 mod 990 also appear. Conjecture 1 is true; the only excluded possibility is 161 mod 210 which is never a 2-pseudoprime (check mod 7). All three parts of conjecture 2 are false; counterexamples include 461502097, 1378483393, and 7044493729. Conjecture 3 is true, consider Korselt's criterion mod 30. - Charles R Greathouse IV, Dec 07 2014
Charles R Greathouse IV, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..10000
E. W. Weisstein, Carmichael Number
CarmichaelNbrQ[n_] := ! PrimeQ[n] && Mod[n, CarmichaelLambda@ n] == 1; Select[ Range[10000000], CarmichaelNbrQ[ 11#] &] (* Robert G. Wilson v, Aug 24 2012 *)
(PARI) Korselt(n)=my(f=factor(n)); for(i=1, #f~, if(f[i, 2]>1||(n-1)%(f[i, 1]-1), return(0))); 1
is(n)=n%110==11 && Korselt(n) \\ Charles R Greathouse IV, Dec 07 2014
Cf. A002997 (Carmichael numbers).
Sequence in context: A232755 A264214 A083736 * A006931 A258801 A329460
Marius Coman, Apr 11 2012
Corrected by Robert G. Wilson v, Aug 24 2012