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NABCEP Accredited Training Company (NATC) Program

Become a NABCEP Accredited Training Company today!

What is the NATC Program?

The NABCEP Accredited Training Company (NATC) Program offers an opportunity to manufacturers, installation companies and other organizations (collectively, Companies) who invest in quality training to participate in preparing candidates to take a NABCEP credential exam. Manufacturers, Installation Companies and other organizations who invest in quality training and education that align to NABCEP’s Credentials, may apply to become a NABCEP-Accredited Training Company. Becoming NATC approved, is the first step for non-accredited trainers to register as a NABCEP Associate Training Provider (ARTP) and/or Registered Training Provider (RTP) offering credits that qualify for advanced level Board Certifications.

Only education credits earned from accredited institutions can be used to fulfill certification exam application requirements. The NATC Program offers an alternative pathway to accreditation for NABCEP education purposes. It establishes a standard of quality education and reliable business practices in support of safe, fair and accurate training for the renewable energy workforce.

Program Benefits

  • Attract renewable energy professionals to your trainings
  • Be eligible to confer credits for all NABCEP Associate Credentials
  • Access the prestigious NABCEP Associate Provider Logo
  • Listing and link to your website in NABCEP’s online Course Catalog
  • Option to host trainings on NABCEP’s LMS Platform Renewable Energy ED
  • and more!

Who can apply?

NABCEP invites educational providers who satisfy specific criteria and standards related to the operations, fiscal management and educational methodology to apply. Upon approval, NABCEP Accredited Training Companies (NATCs) will be eligible to offer courses as an Associate Registered Training Provider (ARTP) or advanced-level Registered Training Provider (RTP) with the same rights and responsibilities as all other NABCEP Training Providers.

NATC Requirements

The criteria and requirements contained in the NATC Handbook serve as the means for evaluating an institution’s ability to provide quality education services that furthers the professional development of renewable energy installers, designers, business owners, and sales people as established by NABCEP’s Subject Matter Experts.

What’s required to apply?

  • Training – Demonstrate continuous, on-going, and successful operation of the institution in the delivery of education and/or training programs for at least two consecutive years prior to application.
  • Company Ownership and Policies – Verify that the institution has been under the same ownership and/or control for at least two (2) years immediately prior to application.
  • See NATC Handbook for copy of full application.

For full program details on requirements, policies and procedures to become a NABCEP Accredited Training Company:

To apply to become a NABCEP Accredited Training Company, you are required to self-enroll in the NATC application, complete all steps and requirements, and submit to NABCEP for review. The application will automatically populate to your myNABCEP account.  If you do not have a myNABCEP account, you will be prompted to open one during the self-enrollment.

Accreditation Terms and Renewal

The Accreditation Term is approved in three year cycles.  NATCs are required to renew prior to accreditation expiration date to maintain NATC status.


Renewal applications will require a review of student evaluations, the number of trainees completing the program, and the handling of complaints and appeals processed.


Non-refundable Application Fee:

Accreditation Fee:

Accreditation Renewal Fee:


