What We Believe...
“No one can know Christ unless they follow after him in life, and no one can follow him unless they know him.” — Hans Denck
We are followers of Jesus. We believe that Jesus is the Lord of our lives — the one we seek to follow in everyday life, the one whose Spirit gives us life and strength.
We believe that our relationship with God is life's highest priority. Another value is love for our neighbor, near or far. We find hope in God's eternal kingdom, yet we respond to Christ's call to build God's kingdom on earth, today.
We seek to be faithful to God's word as found in the Bible. Our actions may not always meet our ideals, yet we seek...
Community in a world of loneliness
Forgiveness in a world of wrong
Sharing in a world of need
Healing in a world of brokenness
Peace in a world of conflict.