Talk Python: Managing Python Dependencies you own this product

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Talk Python: Managing Python Dependencies is part of the exciting Talk Python course series. This video is aimed at Python programmers who want to become more efficient, productive, and skilled using Python's rich library ecosystem. It teaches you to find the right Python package to help you with almost any task, revealing industry best practices around choosing and managing third-party dependencies for your Python projects. It's a "batteries included" solution to attaining the Python dependency management skills you need to work on a professional development team.

Distributed by Manning Publications

This course was created independently by Python expert Dan Bader and is distributed by Manning through our exclusive liveVideo platform.
Talk Python can't be downloaded.

about the subject

One of the great strengths of Python is its huge ecosystem of libraries, frameworks, and packages. This ecosystem can help you progress from writing scripts to building applications with Python, but multiple different dependencies across your interconnected projects can quickly become a headache! This course teaches you how to pick the right libraries for your tasks, and manage them effectively with Python’s recommended dependency management tools like pip, and virtualenvs.

about the video

Talk Python: Managing Python Dependencies teaches you how to take advantage of Python's rich third-party library ecosystem to create better programs in a shorter amount of time. It’s a one-stop shop for picking up modern Python dependency management practices with minimal time investment. All new skills are taught in bite-size lessons you can learn at your own pace. You’ll learn a unique 7-step workflow for finding and identifying quality Python packages, and how to justify added program dependencies to your team and your manager. By the time you’re finished, you’ll know how to get your programs ready to be deployed on production and automated testing environments, and how to make it easy for other developers to contribute code with minimal setup effort.


For beginner Python developers who want to advance from scripting to building applications.

about the instructor

Dan Bader is an independent software engineer, book author, speaker, and Python nut. He’s been writing code for more than 15 years, and runs and maintains
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