The Complete Python Programming Course: Beginner to Advanced you own this product

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Learn Python with projects covering game and web development, web scraping, MongoDB, Django, PyQt, and data visualization
Joseph Delgadillo
  • Course duration: 18h 8m

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This is the course for people who want to get started programming with Python, and are interested in entering the fields of coding or data science. But it is comprehensive enough for more experienced Python coders who want to brush up on their skills or fill in missing gaps. With over 18 hours of HD video tutorials, this course is designed to fully immerse you in the Python language as you start from the basics of programming and go through to advanced Python concepts. We’ll also cover web scraping, PyMongo, WebPy development, Django web framework, GUI programming, data visualization, machine learning, and much more.

Get hands-on practice building these ten coding projects:

  • Simple calculator
  • RPG battle script
  • Web scraper
  • PyMongo database
  • Webpy web app
  • Django website
  • PyQt calculator GUI
  • PyQt web browser
  • Data visualization with matplotlib and Pandas
  • Speech recognition & AI

Distributed by Manning Publications

This course was created independently by Joseph Delgadillo and is distributed by Manning through our exclusive liveVideo platform.


No previous programming experience necessary

about the instructor

Joseph Delgadillo is the founder of JTD Courses, an education technology company. He has been active in the online learning industry since 2015 and has worked with several prominent companies. As of 2023, over 1 million students across the globe have enrolled in his courses covering network security, Python programming, web development, and more.

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