Kekkaishi Wiki

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Kekkaishi Wiki
Kekkaishi Wiki

This page contains the Character article layout Guidelines of the Kekkaishi wiki.

Importance of Structure[]

It is very important that an article has a proper structure. In an article about a particular character, there are different sections (like Appearance, Personality, Plot etc...). It helps the readers to understand a character easily. If the sections are messed up, the readers will have problem in finding the information. Thus, structure must be appropriate and appealing


Here is the proper structure to a Character based article:

  • Introduction:This is not particularly a section, as it has no heading. It basically gives a small introduction about the article. It is written in few lines.
  • Appearance :This section includes all the information related to the appearance of the character. It can include hair color, eye color, clothing, hairstyle etc.
  • Personality:This section gives the information about the personality of a particular character, or how the character acts and behaves.
  • History:This section describes the history of the character before the plot started. It usually contains the information from flashbacks.
  • Synopsis:This section gives the plot of the character in the story.
  • Equipment:It usually tells the possessions of the character, that might aid them in their duties, or missions.
  • Power and Abilities:Usually tells what the character is capable of. The character's techniques, or special powers that they possess.
  • Relationships:Contains information about the relationship of the character with other characters.
  • Trivia:Information that are not very important and are not needed in the main sections.
  • References:It is necessary to add references in every character page. Without references, the contents wont be considered legit.
  • Navigation:The Navigation section usually contains a list of character that are similar with that page, usually related to that character in one way or the other.


  • Infobox:Infoboxes are necessary to be added to every page. There are various types of infobox for various characters. If you are confused about which infobox to use, ask the administrator.
  • Images:Images are supposed to be added in an alternative manner (left-right-left and so on..). Few sections maybe an exception. All of the images added in an article should be of the same size. The image in the infobox is an exception.
  • Category:The category depends of the character. A single character page may have more than one category depending on the family or organization to which he/she belongs.